Seeking Revenge

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"What do you mean it happened again?" Jesse asked in horror, gaping at Olivia.

"Fortunately, nobody got hurt this time-" The engineer anxiously continued her explanation. "-but two more houses had been ransacked, stripped clean throughout the night."

"I don't understand!" Petra exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "This is the seventh time that's happened, in the course of two weeks!"

Jesse sunk back into one of the dining chairs, raking her hands through her hair. "And there were no witnesses, nothing?" She asked, looking back over at Olivia and Lukas, who had come rushing in with the news.

"No." Lukas confirmed with a shake of his head. "Whoever this is, they're incredibly good at going about their business unnoticed. As well as covering their tracks."

Jesse dropped her head into her hands in hopelessness, letting out a groan of frustration. Of course the moment Beacontown is put in her hands, something starts to go horribly wrong. She's barely been in charge for a month and already facing one of the biggest challenges that possibly could have come up.

It all started roughly two weeks ago, when Jack's shop was mysteriously ransacked during one of his and Nurm's trips. They had returned to find the place practically turned upside down, with the most valuable of their treasures missing.

Jesse and her friend's were on the mystery immediately, but they didn't find any clues to follow. The looter had vanished without a trace.

Olivia had immediately installed an upgraded redstone security system on the Order's treasure hall, the day after the incident. As an extra precaution, Jesse had taken the most important of their mementos off display, locking them away tight in the basement. It turned out to be an incredibly smart move, because less than 24 hours after she did, they woke up to find the treasure hall turned upside down.

Not much was taken, probably because Jesse didn't leave much of value. But the place looked chaotic, the looter having left no stone unturned. The redstone wiring had very delicately been broken up in three different places, which explained how the thief found their way in and out underneath the order's noses.

And since, the event has been repeating itself all over Beacontown. Nobody ever saw the face of the person who stole from them. One Beacontowner had caught them in the act, merely a few days ago. He came out with several bones broken and a stab wound to his shoulder. He claimed he didn't see the face of the thief, only that they were wearing a royal blue cloak with the hood pulled over their head.

"If I find this person, so help me, I'll beat the living daylights out of them." Jesse heard Petra growl in fury.

"I'd love to join you in that, maybe with a bag full of TNT to end it off." Axel mumbled in response. "It's how we find them that's going to be a problem."

"I don't even know what to think of this situation any more." Jesse mumbled, not lifting her head out of her hands. "There are absolutely no leads for us to follow."

"I'd like to say we'll find a way, but I don't even know any more at this point either." Lukas agreed with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head.

"What freaks me out the most, is how easily this person gets into houses." Olivia said with a shudder. "Picking locks, undoing the redstone wiring in alarm systems, silently removing the glass panes from window frames... it downright scary how stealthy they are."

"And how good they are at not being spotted!" Axel added, nodding his head wildly. "That one Beacontowner who got a glimpse was pure luck!"

"Would you really call that luck though, Axel? The guy got pretty beat up for it, and we still can't identify the looter."

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