Rainy Days

401 17 11

Sequel to By Your Side, because why the hell not-

Jesse nestled herself deeper into the pillows on her sleeping bag, keeping her eyes fixed on the book she was reading. Just the sound of the wind gusting outside their tent, made her feel colder. She smiled slightly to herself. After a harsh, sweltering summer, she didn't mind getting a little chilly.

"I swear I'm going to loose it."

Jesse peeked over the edge of her book, raising her eyebrows slightly at Petra. The redhead was lying on her back, with her feet propped up against the side of the tent. She was glaring at nothing in particular.

"I thought you loved rain?" Lukas said, not taking his eyes off his book.

"Yeah, when I actually have something to do!" Petra groaned in frustration. "This is torture! Petra-abuse!"

Jesse couldn't help but snort at her friend's words.

"No seriously!" Petra rolled over, propping herself up on her elbows. "We come out to this amazing area, and we can't even enjoy any of it! I thought we'd be hiking through the forest, or climbing the hill or swimming in the river! Not-" She pulled up her nose. "-reading."

"You know, you might as well try it." Lukas said. "Nothing we can do about the weather."

"No." Petra grumbled, letting herself slump back down on her sleeping bag.

Stifling a chuckle, Jesse directed her attention back down to the book in her hands. The small camping trip had been helping her a ton, and she was starting to feel a lot better. Petra and Lukas had successfully taken her mind off of Axel and Olivia for the most part.

"Are you guys going to at least talk to me?" Petra's voice slid right through Jesse's concentration again. "Or are you just going to continue reading your boring old books while I'm withering away from boredom over here?"

"You out of all people shouldn't be joking about withering away." Lukas mumbled.

"It's accurate!"

Jesse sighed, lowering her book and looking up at Petra again. "Come on now Petra, you seriously need to stop sulking so much."

"But it feels like I've been cooped up for decades!" Petra whined, face planting into her sleeping bag's pillow.

"It's only been raining for two hours." Lukas pointed out from behind his book.

"Still, two hours we could have spent doing something fun!" Petra exclaimed.

"I'm not even going to try and argue with you on this any more." Jesse said with a sigh, flopping back down on her sleeping bag.

Ignoring the long, dragged out, groan Petra was making, Jesse directed her gaze up at the green canvas above her. Forgetting about her book for a minute, she just relished in the peaceful atmosphere that the rain brought.

Jesse blinked a few times, her eyelids feeling almost heavy. Rainy weather had a tendency to make her loopy, it was just the perfect being-lazy weather. Jesse's eyes had almost drooped all the way closed, when a squirt of ice cold water hit her straight in the face.

"Hey!" Jesse called in surprise, scrambling upright again. She shook her head, furiously wiping her face off on her hands.

"You looked like you were falling asleep." Petra said, waving around the water bottle she had drenched Jesse with. "I'm just doing you a favour!"

"And what's so wrong with falling asleep?" Jesse argued back.

"Uh, it's the middle of the day, duh." Petra waved her hand in a wasn't-that-obvious motion.

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now