Unfamiliar Sights

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Jesse shivered slightly, tugging her thin jacket more tightly around herself. It didn't offer much warmth, the ragged fabric hardly windproof. But at least it was something.

Crossing her arms in attempt for some more warmth, she continued to walk on. The frost on the ground crunched beneath her boots, melting ice particles making their way through cracks in the leather and chilling her feet inside.

But even as she was chilled to the bone, Jesse couldn't hep but admire how beautiful everything was. Winter was truly magical, there was no denying that. Something about the frost crawling across the bare tree branches, the mist of white that covered the woodland floor, was almost fairytale like. Not to even mention how breathtakingly gorgeous it was going to be one the snow comes.

Jesse gritted her teeth slightly as another gust of icy wind whipped her chestnut hair into her face. She reached up a hand, tucking the loose strands back in behind her ears.

She wished she could enjoy winter. Be happy when she saw the snow falling outside the window. Snuggle up in front of a fireplace with a good book when it got chilly. If only.

Winter wasn't an easy time for her and her friends at all. During the summer, their lives were relatively calm and comfortable. But everything always changed as soon as the cold came around. It became harder to find food, animals got scarce and vegetables stopped growing. And no matter how cosy the tree-house felt in the warm season, they were always reminded of just how poorly it was built when the crisp winter air began seeping in through every crack.

Jesse grunted in frustration as she pushed another strand of loose hair in behind her ear. Shivering again, she quickly wrapped her arms back around herself, pushing some more speed into her step. The quicker she got what she needed, she quicker she could go back home.

Glancing up at the sun, Jesse noticed that it was already starting to grow darker. Nothing to really worry about, she still had a good two hours of daylight left, but she definitely wanted to be back in much less than two hours.

Jesse glanced around, thoughtfully chewing her bottom lip. She recognised the area, she just had to keep her eyes peeled.

Walking over to a large tree, Jesse knelt down. She brushed away the leaves surrounding the base of its trunk, her face lighting up at the mushrooms growing there. Fishing a small knife out of her pocket, Jesse swiftly cut them off and pocketed them.

Standing up, Jesse continued glancing around. Those few mushrooms would be enough to feed one person, but she was foraging for all three of them. She walked over to a different tree, looking around it's trunk as well. Nothing grew there.

"Come on, is some mushroom stew really too much to ask for?" Jesse grumbled, kneeling down beside a third tree.

One measly mushroom greeted her, which she cut off as well. Still not nearly enough, but it was a start. Jesse got up again, once more pushing back escaped strings of hair. Her brown eyes flickered around, searching the forest floor for any more mushrooms.

Jesse was about to kneel back down and brush away some more leaves, when she stiffened. She lifted her head, frowning at the awfully familiar sound of leaves crunching beneath boots.

Almost on instinct, Jesse took cover behind a tree. It wasn't often that anybody came so deep into the woods, and she wasn't taking any chances. Slowly peeking around the trunk, Jesse began to pick up on some voices.

"I don't like the woods. Everything's wet and-"

"Oh stop moaning, would you? You're going to drive me insane."

"How much further do we have to go then? I want to get home!"

"Not much further. I'm liking the trees that are growing here."

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now