Glowing Eyes

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Silence. Complete and utter silence, not the tiniest sound to be heard. It was slowly driving Jesse insane.

She wasn't sure how long it's been, but she knew hours had passed. And in those long hours, the only noise that met her ears were the sounds she made.
Her anxious breathing as her eyes scanned the dark room. Her shaky voice when she tried to talk to herself for a shred of reassurance. Her bare feet's soft padding on the cold floor as she restlessly paced up and down.

Jesse sunk down against the obsidian wall, pulling up her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs. Her brown eyes came to rest on the red gauntlet on her right hand, it's glowing aura being the only light she's seen in hours.

She wished she knew what the Admin's plan was for her. All he had said, was that her actions in breaking the clock 'pleased him'. The blue gauntlet had tightened around her wrist in an instant, slowly turning the colour of blood. And then everything had went black for Jesse, the echo of her friends calling her name, still echoing in her ears.

She woke up in that obsidian cage, her armour, sword and any other items she had on her, missing. Deafened by the silence and only having the gauntlet itself for light.

Jesse gritted her teeth, huddling herself into an even tighter ball. The room was incredibly cold, and she no longer had any armour to keep her warm.
Letting out a soft sigh, Jesse buried her face into her arms. She could only hope that the Admin let Petra and Jack go, that they were in a better position than her. She didn't care what he did to her, as long as her friend's were left alone.

Jesse wasn't sure for how long she sat like that, her face buried in her arms. Her skin was hard with goosebumps from the cold, and her stomach was starting to remind her of just how long it's been since she last ate something. But Jesse's mind wasn't focused on her own miseries for too long, when she felt an odd shift in the air.

"What is this pathetic mess? Get up, champion!"

Jesse's head shot up at the Admin's voice suddenly echoing through the obsidian prison. Her breath caught in her throat when she found herself staring straight into his blood red eyes, the pupils glowing a sickly yellow. On pure instinct, Jesse scrambled to her feet, edging back against the wall.

"Now that's better." A smirk began forming on his face as he slowly took a step towards Jesse.

"The hell you want from me?" Jesse hissed, scowling. "And what have you done to my friends?"

"I want you to be my champion of course." He said, excitedly slapping his hands together. "You completed my challenge, just like I had anticipated. This is your prize! As for the losers? I simply threw them out."

"So they're okay?" Jesse asked, hating how her voice faltered. "You let them go, and now you'll leave them alone?"

"As long as they don't interfere with my plans, yes." Romeo responded, his smirk growing. "Not that there is much they can do now. I got what I wanted."

"Look, I don't know what you want me to do as your champion, but I'm nobody's possession!" Jesse growled at him. "And I will not let you use me!"

"Use you?" The admin threw back his head, laughing. "Oh, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse... I don't want to use you! I just want us to be... friends."

He took another step closer to Jesse, her response being to quickly scamper away from him again. Despite the fear swirling inside of her, she put on an expression of determination, trying to look as intimidating as she possibly could – which wasn't a whole lot at that moment.

"Shy, are we?" The Admin raised his eyebrows, grinning. "We'll have to fix that."

"I'll never be friends with somebody as horrible as you!" Jesse hissed, pointing a finger at him. "You can do to me whatever you want, but I won't succumb to your desires!"

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