A Birthday Wish

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Letting out another sigh, Petra rolled over onto her back so she was staring up at the wooden ceiling of her bedroom. Her blue eyes were wide open as she traced the pattern in the wood with her gaze, completely adjusted to the darkness.

Outside the wind was blowing steadily, rustling the leaves of the tree that their tree-house were in. It was raining softly, droplets trailing down the glass of Petra's bedroom window.

Petra turned her head on the pillow, searching for the numbers on her alarm clock. 04:00

Petra groaned, rolling over again and burying her face into the fabric of her pillow. Closing her eyes again, and wishing sleep would just come. Four in the morning, that meant she'd gone practically the entire night without a wink of sleep. Again.

Petra wasn't sure why it had become so hard to sleep. One nightmare a few nights back, that was all it took. Her own worries and fears has kept her up every night since.

During the day, Petra had done a good job of hiding the fact that she was tired. Since it was getting cold out, the Order had settled a bit from all their adventures, at least until summer rolled around. Jesse and Lukas spent the days reading, with Olivia occasionally joining them when she wasn't working on a new invention. Axel was most of the time pestering the three of them, eating, or even trying to get on Petra's nerves if he could find her.

Which wasn't the easiest task, as Petra was particularly good at slipping off unnoticed. She spent most of the chilly days in her bedroom, working on enchanting Miss Butter – and of course taking involuntary naps in between.

Come on, just one hour of sleep at the least. Petra thought in annoyance, gritting her teeth slightly. She had a feeling she wasn't going to be resting much that day. Considering how much of a fuss the rest of them made a few months ago for Jesse's birthday, Petra had a feeling they'd be all over her as well.

A small smile found its way onto Petra's lips. When was the last time she actually spent a birthday with somebody? For the past few years, she'd really just been by herself. Never really treating the day different than the other 364 there was.

It was going to be nice to have some people around her on her birthday. Just somebody to hang out with at the least would be so much better than all the previous years there had been.

Amongst all her thoughts, Petra must have managed to fall asleep. When she woke up again it was lighter outside, yet still dim from the rainy weather.

Her eyelids heavy and her head sore, Petra just wanted to bury her face back into the pillow and continue to sleep. Closing her tired eyes again, she retreated back in beneath the covers, hoping that sleep would be generous enough to come again.

But after a few seconds, Petra noticed that something was off. Lifting her head, she leaned over to check her alarm clock again. 07:30

Petra's frown deepened. By that time, the tree-house should already have been bustling with life. Olivia ranting excitedly about a new invention, Axel laughing obnoxiously loud at something, the usual.

But that morning, it was dead silent. The only sound Petra could hear, was the breeze blowing outside.

A strange feeling settled in the pit of Petra's stomach as she slowly sat up on the bed. Standing up, she walked over to the window, listening to the wooden floor creaking beneath her bare feet.

Everything looked normal outside, the sun hidden beneath the thick rain clouds as misty raindrops descended from the sky. It looked about as cold as it felt.

Still a bit uncertain, Petra quickly pulled on some clothes and wrapped her signature bandanna around her head. Pulling open her bedroom door, she was met with complete silence.

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