A Step Too Far

441 20 4

It had all happened so suddenly, Petra didn't even have a moment to process what had happened. She had reacted on impulse, immediately attacking the gladiator who was about to kill Jesse. Every had been a blur as she fought them off, one of them managing to get the advantage along the way.

The breath had been completely knocked out of her as Petra's back collided with the ground, her sword flying from her grip. Despite the fact that her lungs were wheezing for oxygen, she had immediately tried to push herself up again. Never getting the chance as one of the gladiators suddenly slammed their axe down on her.

The diamond blade had chopped through the steel of her armour like it wasn't even there, it didn't have any trouble breaking through her flesh. There wasn't a moment for Petra to even scream, the blow instantly killing her.

It should have been a painless death. But it wasn't.

Everything exploded in a mass of colour for Petra, a horrific scream erupting from her as it felt like she was flung into the air. The world twisted and warped around her as she was pulled and tossed about. Pain pulsed through her body where the axe had been impaled, Petra feeling every ounce out what the blade did to her.

And then it ended.

All the colours faded, the world shrinking back into nothing but a black void. Petra could hear her own raspy breathing echoing back at her, her rapid heartbeat throbbing in her ears. It felt like she was suspended in mid air, nothing but darkness surrounding her. Dull pain throbbed where her wounds were meant to be.

Everything suddenly lit back up around her, and Petra felt herself landing squarely on her feet. She looked around in confusion, seeing the normal world around her again, trees dusted in snow, stars twinkling in the sky above. Voices filled the air.

It took a second for Petra to realise exactly what had happened. She had died and respawned.

Immediately, Petra's eyes began to dart around, anxiously searching for Jesse. It felt like her heart was going to leap out of her chest in relief when she spotted Jesse a few metres away, facing Hadrian. Her death wasn't in vain, she had bought Jesse the time she needed.

Whether Jesse succeeded in winning the race, was a mystery to Petra. But the downcast look on Em's face and the furious glare that Hadrian was directing at Jesse gave Petra quite the boost of hope. It was impossible to tell what exactly Jesse was thinking or feeling at that moment. She was panting from the run, red in the face and skin dotted with sweat. Her brown eyes were determined and aggressive, yet Petra could see right through those emotions to the fear Jesse felt.

As the other people began moving away from Jesse, Petra quickly began jogging up to her. Her body throbbed in complaint, feeling sore and bruised despite the respawn

"Okay!" Jesse jumped hearing Petra's voice right beside her all of the sudden. "Respawning is the worst."

A relieved smile found it's place on Jesse's face, despite Petra's words. Some of her uncertainty washed away, immediately replaced by happiness at seeing her friend alive and breathing again.

A million questions were ready to pour out of Petra, wanting to know exactly what happened and whether Jesse won the race or not. She didn't get a chance however, a shadow falling over the both of them.

They looked up, coming face to face with the gladiator, Slab. He immediately pointed a finger right at Jesse. "You."

Jesse raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Hadrian wants you." Slab responded gruffly, gesturing for Jesse to follow him.

She glanced over at Petra with a confused, yet somewhat concerned expression. Petra shrugged at Jesse, turning back to Slab and getting ready to take a step forward. She didn't get very far when Slab's gaze suddenly shot in her direction, eyes narrowing.
Before Petra even knew what he was doing, he shoved her back, hard. She staggered a good few steps back at the force, her weakened body not appreciating the blow one bit.

31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - February Edition 2019Where stories live. Discover now