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"IS EVERYONE READY TO PARTY?!" Present Mic shouted.

"YEAH!" Y/N screamed. Her cries of enthusiasm echoed throughout the otherwise silent room.


"HELL YEAH!" Y/N shouted once again. Present Mic grinned and started to explain how the auditions will work.

"SIX JUDGES! In the audition room, you have six judges and alumni of this school that will test and assess you! You can only sing songs that are not your own songs, so no originals! You will be judged by your vocals and your dance moves if you aspire to be a singer.

"If you're a dancer, only three of the judges will watch over you. The judges that assess the vocals will also watch because they don't have anything better to do. Composers will join the instrumentalist in their judges. You will be judged by the skill and tone of the music."

"SIR! What if you require an instrument? The rules said not to bring any!" a blue-haired boy asked. His glasses twinkled in the low light. "And you sir! Stop muttering! You're disturbing the concentration of everyone else!"

"Sorry," Broccoli mumbled.

"And you loud person! How dare you yell while a presentation is going on!?"

"Well that's not very cash money of you," Y/N pouted. "I just responded to Present Mic in a very enthusiastic manner similar to his. He asked if I was ready. I said 'Hell yeah!'"

"MY APOLOGIES MISS!" Glasses boi practically screamed. Boi. You need some milk.

"Good question Applicant 3128! (I don't actually know the number, please don't kill me) We will provide you with the instruments! I don't know about you all, but I'm ready to rock! Whatever group you're placed in will head to their corresponding areas. More info is on the sheet in front of you!"

Y/N excitedly grabbed her bag and hopped out of the auditorium. "What group are you guys?"

"I'm in Group B! I'm sure I'll be in a manly group!" Kirishima responded.

"Group A," said Kaminari. Y/N's eyes started to widen.

"What? Me too!" They high fived while Kirishima sulked slightly. "OOF! We can listen to the Muffin song!"

The boys looked at each other confused. Y/N was shocked. She thought she trusted Kaminari! "Kaminari, you're now my side hoe."

"What did I do!?!?"

"What's the Muffin song?" Kirishima asked. Y/N grinned maniacally. She pressed a button on her headphones, activating speaker mode. Y/N cackles in delight and anticipation of their reactions. She snatched her phone and pressed the sacred play button.

Hiiiii! I'm a muffin!

And it's Muffin time!

Who wants a muffin?

Please, I just wanna die.

At this, Kaminari burst out laughing while Kirishima was trying hard not to. They continued to listen to the Muffin song before they had to separate ways, making the trio a duo. Y/N, being the sweet angel she is, got out her earphones so she can listen to music with Kaminari. They followed the crowd to a waiting room labeled Group A. Multiple seats and couches scatter the floor, most of them surrounding flat screen TV. The TV showed the auditorium where they were just at, which Y/N suspects that that's where they will audition.

Y/N clutched her bag. Her coords lay in their case, waiting to be used. But they'll have to wait. More pressing matters concern Y/N, like laughing at vines with Kaminari.

Duet! (BNHA Music! Au & a Reader x Katsuki Bakugo) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now