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Y/N couldn't believe it either. The grandeur of the place shocked her so much she almost forgot about her Seeker. Almost.

"Yes, now shut up and fangirl quietly," Aizawa droned, stepping inside the gate. The park was empty, devoid of tourists. Only workers were about, carrying equipment and dragging clothes. Noticing his students' confusion, Aizawa fixed his bass case and sighed before saying, "UA has a big influence on the current owners of USJ. We booked today the park all for ourselves as we learn the ins and outs of being a celebrity. Luckily, Thirteen has a performance here today." Aizawa looked towards a large stadium. A figure stood in front of it, waving a white arm. "And there they are."

Thirteen smiled brightly at them, their helmet showcasing a digital grin. "Hey, guys!"

"It's Thirteen!" Uraraka squealed. "I bought their latest album, Escape!"

"What does Thirteen do again?" Y/N heard Kaminari whisper. Y/N smacked him on the head.

"Idiot. Thirteen is a trendy, lo-fi pop BPM artist. They are famous for making studying music and surprisingly, club music."

"Club music? Now that I can get into," Kaminari smirked. This time, Sero punched him before Y/N could.

"Thank you for coming today!" Thirteen chirped. "I know that you're here for some experience, but you're only going to get to know the background works. If you're lucky, the best students that helped out today get to be my backup dancers and singers for tonight's concert!"

"WHAT!?" Everyone was ecstatic. Today would be their first official concert. Thirteen's smile disappeared to reveal a serious emoji.

"Now listen. What I am about to say is very important. You know that being a celebrity, especially in the music world, would lead to easy stardom for those who excel at their craft. However, that can be taken away as quickly as you earned it. Kids will look up to you, strive to be you. They will learn how you act, how you speak. They will listen to what you say and look at what you post. Beware of the lack of privacy attached to this job. If you have any bad habits, get rid of it now.

"For example, me. My specific genre of music is under fire by music companies and critics. Music made from machines does not elicit human emotion. Some even say that my steady beats represent the song of the devil. If I make a song that creates a negative feeling, then my whole career will be asunder. One wrong word, one wrong melody, could destroy me. I know some artists have already fallen. Drugs, affairs, relationships, alcohol, social media, all of this, and many more brought an end to their careers. I do not want this future to be yours. Strive to be the better celebrity. Strive to be the person that people will look up to. Strive the best celebrity."

Thirteen's speech left everyone, well, speechless. Their honesty and warning wormed their way into their hearts. Y/N's back straightened. All of this was for Yume. There was no way she was going to destroy her dreams.

Thirteen and Aizawa ushered them inside the stadium. USJ's stadium is one of the biggest stadiums in Japan. Throughout the park, there are smaller stadiums station around. The main one is the stage Thirteen is performing at. Gasps of awe and wonder-filled the empty stage. "Uaah! It's so big!"

Uraraka clasped her hands in delight. Midoriya's eyes trembled in anticipation. Bakugo grinned a wicked grin while Iida fixed his glasses. Kaminari started hopping. "I'm so stoked right now!"

"Right," Y/N whispered. Despite the nerves fluttering in her stomach, Y/N was excited. Aizawa and Thirteen turned around to talk to them. However, Y/N didn't hear a single word coming out of their mouths. All she saw was the purple cloud wafting on the stage. An evil aura emitted from it. Y/N's Seeker flashed rapidly. Her heart dropped.

"Cool! Is that some sort of special effects?" Kirishima asked. Thirteen and Aizawa frowned before looking behind them. Y/N quickly made her way to the front. The cloud grew bigger. It spread to half of the stage as people filed out. Ugly people, bulky people, lusty people, lean people, all of them stood on the stage, grinning in anticipation. A man stepped out of the cloud, a hand mask covering his face. Together, Aizawa and Y/N said, "Villains."

"Villains?" Y/N heard Iida's question.

Aizawa and Thirteen tensed. Aizawa gripped his bass tightly as Thirteen stared at the villains. "What shall we do?" Thirteen whispered.

Aizawa glanced down at Y/N. Y/N nodded. She would deal with the repercussions later. "Thirteen," Y/N directed. "Ask your workers to flee. Now."

Thirteen nodded. They took out their phones, their fingers flying across the screen. Aizawa directed his words towards Class 1-A. "Stay behind us. Those are villains."

"What do you mean villains?" Y/N heard someone asked. Y/N spoke up to answer.

"Think of underground celebrities, but worse. They are fallen stars, singers, actors, dancers, and more who have given into the darkness. The darkness transformed them into the monsters and creatures they are."

"We were hoping to introduce this side of being a celebrity slowly to you guys, but this is inevitable," Aizawa took over. His eyes widened, staring at one particular monster in the middle. It was broad, mountainous, and blue. It had the beak of a bird, teeth of a human, body of a giant, and an open brain.

Y/N's teeth gritted. "What is that?"

"A Nomu," a voice answered. Y/N looked at the Handy Man. He was scratching his neck feverishly. "Why is All Might not here, Kurogiri?"

A monster that Y/N didn't notice spoke. He was made out of purple gas. It didn't take a genius to realize that he was the one who created the portal. "It was on All Might's schedule so that he would be here. I am also confused about his whereabouts." Kurogiri's voice raised. "Heroes, where is All Might?"

Aizawa wisely remained silent. He took out his bass guitar while Thirteen took out their soundboard. Y/N cleared her throat. Bakugo snarled, "Why the hell are you getting your instruments, you hags? Those are villains! Villains who could kill us!"

"Be quiet," Y/N snapped. "Trust us."

Y/N's Seekers lit up like a lightbulb. She closed her eyes and sang one note. It was a C5, two octaves above the middle C. Her body was immediately surrounded by an f/c light. To her right, Thirteen pressed a button on their soundboard, making a white light cover them. Aizawa strummed a chord to her left, summoning a grey light.

When the light disappeared, Y/N was wearing her Rock My Heart coord. Thirteen wore a full astronaut suit while Aizawa's scarf changed into a metal alloy band. (A/N: Thirteen and Aizawa looks like their hero costumes.) Y/N smiled wickedly at the Villains. "L/N, Y/N, ready to rock!"

Y/N waved her hands, a song bubbling out her throat. Metal boomerangs appeared out of thin air. Aizawa's bass started the song, spheres and cubes tumbling out of the shadows. Thirteen's sound board lit up, orbs and swirls filling the air. Y/N glanced back to flash a smile at her shocked classmates. "We are Star Heroes. Welcome, hero, to My Hero Academia."


Um. Hello? Pleasedon'tkillmeI'msosorry.

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