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When Y/N sashayed away from Bakugo, he couldn't help but lack. Her skirt could barely cover the swell of her ass, and it looked amazing from where Bakugo stood. And damn. Bakugo could not help but admire the athletic curves of her legs. The calves are more prominent underneath her weird-ass socks. Bakugo froze and immediately looked away. A warm flush took over his face and heat made its way to his core. What the fuck am I thinking? Y/N? Will never happen. She's just a thot like the rest of the world.

Bakugo grumbled and started to follow Y/N. If he was to be honest, the erratic beating of his heart and this fucking feeling unnerved him. Y/N was mind-fucking his brain. Every time he even thinks of her, he starts to feel clammy and shaky. Hell, he's only met her for a couple of weeks and two school days. And now he's fallen for-

Bakugo pauses, frozen once again. He shakes his head feverishly and starts to chuckle darkly. After all, Y/N is just a thot. There is no way he's in love with her. That's right. He hates her. That's the only explanation of how he feels. He even felt like this for Deku once upon a time during middle school. Y/N's face drifts into his mind again. This time, the smuggest face in the world stares up at him. He screamed on the inside and punched a wall in frustration. "One day, I will murder Y/N and Deku!"

Bakugo screamed in the empty hallway. His shaking head lifted from the ground to scare the readers. "Just you wait, Y/N, Deku. Just you wait."


Y/N felt a shiver go down her spine before she sneezed. Y/N had caught up to Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida. They wait for her sneezing fit to be done before they asked if she was ok.

"Honey, do I look ok to you?"

Deku shakes his head.

"Damn, this is the second time it has happened in two days. Two. Days!"

Y/N smirked. An evil grin stretched across her face. Her nose lifted in the air with haughtiness as she laughed like a villainess. "Maybe I'm just that popular! Yeah! I'm the best! Ohohohohohohoh!"

Uraraka, deadpan, looked at her. "Y/N. You're insane," she said before promptly slapping her in the arm. A small oof was released as Y/N proceeded to fall to the floor in pain.

"Miss L/N."

Y/N opened her eyes to see Todoroki standing there.

"Let's get to class."

Y/N got up. "But Mr. Todoroki! We're already here!"

He blinked upwards. Indeed, they have arrived at their destination.


Todoroki nods. "It seems as if you are right Miss L/N."

"Call me Y/N!"

Todoroki glanced at her before he headed inside the room.

Soon after most of the class was settled in, Bakugo entered through the door. He snarled at everything- the nearest person, the marker that was on the floor, the fucking air he breaths, and most of all, Y/N.


Gasps of surprise and awe filled the room.

"It's All Might!"

"Woah! So the reporters were right! He does teach here!"


"Isn't my hair just fabulous today?"


All Might boomed in laughter. Y/N shot a worried look at him when he glanced at her direction. All Might's smile seems to grow brighter in response.


"PERFORM?" the class repeated in shock. Iida raised his hand and stood up.

"Sir! What class do you teach?"


"That sounds epic!" Y/N heard Ashido say.

Y/N observed All Might. He's a pretty good actor. Instead of the music industry, he should've joined the drama club. Cuz he would be the drama queen.


All Might pressed a button, and the wall began to move. Suitcases with numbers on them protruded out from the wall. Aha. So that's why we had assigned seats.

Y/N grabbed her number, 21. She snickered at her luck. "What's nine plus 10?"

Kaminari asked as he peered over her shoulder to look at her number. Y/N looked at him with the biggest grin. "21!"

When Y/N grabbed her suitcase, she skirted out of the classroom. Unfortunately, she didn't get very far. Bakugo dragged her into an empty classroom.

"Oh, Bakugo? A confession already?"

Bakugo blushed. Hard. "Hell no!"

"Pity," Y/N pouted.

Her fun didn't last very long. Bakugo cornered her with a kabedon. Two muscular arms trapped Y/N from any escape route. Y/N froze as Bakugo peered down at her.

"What are you doing to me?" he whispered. Y/N blinked in surprise.


"I said what are you doing to me!" Bakugo roared. He gritted his teeth as he gazed at Y/N's e/c eyes. "You-you're a witch."

Y/N laughed. "That's the best you can do?"

"No really! You must've performed some sort of- sort of magic on me to make me feel this way!"

"What are you feeling?" Honestly, Y/N was curious. Bakugo feels vulnerable right now and the fact that he talked to her first excited Y/N in ways it really shouldn't.

"Like crap. Shit. Being fucked in both holes."

Y/N's eyebrows shot up. "You know what that feels like?!"

Bakugo scoffed. "Hell no. I'm the fucker giving the fucks."

Y/N giggled. "That sounds weird coming out off your mouth."

Bakugo's heart raced. He clutched at his chest tightly to where it was located. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Bakugo?"

He looked worn out. His breath was heavy with exhaustion. "See? You're making me feel this way. You make my heart feel weird. You make my face heat up to impossible temperatures. You make me feel clammy whenever you're near me. I-I, I'm scared Y/N."

Y/N gazed in his ruby red eyes. Tears that remain unshed swam in them. Y/N raised her arms and hugged the boy. She stroked his soft, spiky hair in a soothing rhythm. "It's ok. It's going to be all right."

Bakugo tensed. His mind became clearer. He shoved away from Y/N. "What the hell am I doing?!"

He glared at Y/N, pointing the finger at her. "You. You are the reason. STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Bakugo marched out of the empty classroom. Y/N stood there, alone. "Bakugo..."

"Please. Don't leave me too."




ALSO. I CREATED ANOTHER STORY! I know I'm busy with this story, but "Let's Play Soccer" is one of those I-HAVE-TO-WRITE-ABOUT-IT. It's an Inazuma Eleven fan fiction, especially IEGo. Y'all should definitely watch it. All 7 seasons. It's pretty wicked. I'll be you best friend if you watch it.

Duet! (BNHA Music! Au & a Reader x Katsuki Bakugo) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now