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Anticipation and trepidation. These were the only feelings Class 1-A held for the whole day. Y/N, however, stayed passed out. She was so tired that Aizawa didn't even bother trying to wake her up. ("Once Y/N is asleep, the trumpets of the Apocalypse could sound and she'd still be in bed.") The only time she woke up was for lunch. She ate rapidly before resting her head on the table to snooze away.

"Wow, Y/N must really be tired," Midoriya observed, writing in his notebook. Uraraka stood by the sleepy girl's table, fretting.

"It's not normal for her to be sleeping during school!"

Yaoyazoru waited beside Uraraka with some incense.
"I have this special aroma that helps the brain wake up. Maybe it would help Y/N."

At this, Bakugo looked up from his phone and snatched them incense from Yoayazoru's hands. He threw it at the wall and growled, "Get that shit away from the thot! Let her sleep dammit!"

"Bakugo, you must really care for Y/N," Tsuyu commented. Bakugo sneered at her.

"That thot? Fuck no! The more she sleeps, the quieter it is in the classroom! It's fucking annoying."

"Y/N is not annoying," Yaoyazoru scolded. She bent down to pick up her broken aroma machine. "She's perfect just the way she is. She must've been practicing into the night."

"Yeah!" Midoriya said. "You guys didn't get to practice your performance during class yesterday. I was passing by the park and I noticed music coming from it. Were you there, Kaachan?"

Bakugo glared at him. "Deku. What I do in my free time does not matter to you."

"I AM HERE!" a voice boomed out. All Might slid through the door and stopped with a screeching halt. "WE ARE GOING TO THE AUDITORIUM!"

Yaoyaxoru tried to nudge Y/N awake, but it just was not happening. Bakugo growled and hit Y/N in the head. Groggily, she lifted her head up. "Wassup guys? Hey, my name is Jared, and I never fucking learned how to reeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

Y/N drew the word when she noticed All Might was here. Her eyes widened. "Fuck he's here already?"

"What did you expect?" Bakugo scoffed. Y/N yawned in response.

"I danced way too much yesterday. I didn't even eat dinner... Fuck you Bakugo. I'm sleep deprived."

Bakugo deadpanned. "Says the person who slept the whole day."

Y/n grinned sheepishly and sat up from her desk. She grabbed her suitcase and cards. She flipped through her album, coming across a specific coord. She glanced up at Bakugo, then looked down at it. Bakugo threw a look at her. A smile creeped up Y/N's face. "Hey Bakugo... how do you feel about dressing up like an idol?"


Y/N watched everyone's performances. They were so awesome and splendid, that she couldn't wait for hers to start. Midoriya and Uraraka were risky. They went for a slow, but upbeat song with Broccoli singing and Round Face dancing. Bakugo had to fuck things up of course. He grew pissed at the fact that Deku had a Talent and messed up the choreography. Well, he didn't really mess it up, but he tried to be a little extra. Iida would change the music based on Bakugo's level of hype, which won him MVP of the battle.

After them was Hagakure and Ojiro versus Shoji and Todoroki. Hagakure and Ohiro were composers and musicians while the latter were composed of one singer and a musician. Todoroki took all the spotlight, singing with his soprano voice. Hagakure and Ojiro's performance was no match to the boy's song and Shoji's piano skills. Y/N was impressed with the battle. They all tried really hard, although it looked like Todoroki's was just child's play. She never would've thought a bass guitar and a cello would match well with each other. I guess you learn something new every day.

Y/N, as much as she wanted to watch the others perform, observed the depressed Bakugo. He was hurting inside because of Deku's "betrayal." He didn't have a Talent, and now, he came to the most prestigious Talent schools with one.

"Bakugo..." Y/N murmured. She walked up to him and calmly placed a hand on his shoulder. He sharply tuned his head to see a comforting Y/N. "Hey, are you okay?"

Bakugo shrugged her hand off of his shoulders. Y/n slowly put down her hand. "Don't bother me until it's our turn, thot. We are not going to mess this one up."

Bakugo wandered off to the rest of the class. Y/N stood there, watching his back. Bakugo, when will you ever learn how to look past your wall and go beyond?


I know it's short, but is for a purpose. Trust me.

Duet! (BNHA Music! Au & a Reader x Katsuki Bakugo) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now