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I stand there, staring at a shop window,

A hoodie behind it, wondered high or low,

Enough to mask myself, not wanting to show,

My soul to the world, or my folks would go!

Have had people in life with traits the same,

Science say DNA doesn't vary much, big game!

Then how come we looking at, is different,

How come I can't stay a friend?

We decide for ourselves, but the society,

Does it better, or so it is said,

Its what they perceive that our kin care,

Not what we feel, so we shouldn't dare.

Hence, I keep staring at the hoodie,

The dark one, I see how my life would be,

Better! The dark can take in all colours,

And keep them, never emitting back any.

That's how I wish I were- reserved!

One who wouldn't open up,they would say-

The kid is a weirdo. And that's the only way,

They'd stop peeping into personal space.

I believe that I've let y'all down,

Yes, your love and care is now a frown,

Why expect too much if I don't desire?

I err too! I'm human not divine.

And if divinity is a root for us to riot,

What point do you make clear, having faith?

I'd rather blame myself for my plight,

Than a "creator", whose existence is under fight.

And then there's dissipated sympathy,

For other's grief, you take a semblance,

That you're limpid enough to feel their sorrow,

And fool them ingenuous lot, bating them freedom.

Now, do you feel no joy waking up in this world?

That all you thought was warm turned cold

Like all you've done, you let down whom you care for.

You gotta stop doing whatever you've done,

You can build up hope and do massive action,

In these limited hours, you can be a stun-gun,

Be the glare in your rivals' eyes, shine in perfection,

Throw all masks away, believe what you believe in,

Critics might hunt you down, but arrows prove weak,

You're far stronger, you'll rise up, won't give in,

Only if you'll do; coz you have to, today, starting now!

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