Chapter 3

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   Hey everyone! There a new chapter, it's a bit short but I'll try to make the next chapter longer! Anyway, I hope you will like it. See you all later! :)  


Sonic POV:

I'm at the mall buyingsome things for the party, I can't believe that Shadow said yes! I'llbe able to know him more. But I wonder why he was blushing after therace, I'll ask him at the party. I can't wait!

Later I come back home andI see Tails in the living room. ''Hey bro, what's up?'' Smiling athim. Tails looks up to me. ''Oh you're back Sonic, where have youbeen?'' ''I was racing with Shadow and I made him come to the partythis weekend!'' I smile happily. Tails stares at me surprised.''Shadow? You made him come to the party? How did you do that? As faras I know Shadow is not the one to be at a party...'' ''I know, Ijust asked him and first he says no, but right after that he says yes!And without forcing him!'' I giggled happily when I thought aboutShadow, he seemed a bit... off today. He didn't even try that hard towin the race... I'm sure I'll be able to talk to him at the party.Tails looks at me suspiciously now. ''You seem happy to know thatShadow is coming...'' I look at him embarrassed. ''I just want to behis friend, that's all... But anyway, I need to put away everything Ihave for the party.'' I go in the kitchen quickly to avoid anotherquestion from him.

''Riiight~...'' I hear himsay before I left. What he is trying to insinuate? Tails is toosmart for his own good sometimes.

The rest off the weekwas boring, I had to help Knuckles, that's was fine but the downsidepart was Amy... She didn't let me breath! She hugged me like aplushie during a whole day! I like her of course, but as a sister, Idon't love her. She need to understand.

The party will be tomorrowand  everything is ready! I have plenty of games, drinks andfoods, all I need for a party with friends!

I go to bed and sighs. Ithought a lot about Shadow after the race, he was acting strange likehe was hiding something... I'm sure that it's a good idea to befriends with him. He is nice, Rouge had said one day that he hides himself from everyone but she is able to make him show someemotions. I'll help him show his emotions and feelings. I'll help himto be happy, he deserves it...

I'm yawning and closing my eyes,time to sleep, tomorrow I'll talk to him anyway.


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