Chapter 17

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   A week later...

Shadow POV

   ... I feel so cold... And weak... What's happened?.. My baby is fine?.. And Sonic?.. I need to wake up...

I slowly start to wake up, feeling the pain coming back, but I ignore it with a groan and try to open my eyes.

''It's okay Shad... Go easy on yourself...'' That voice... I open my eyes to see emerald eyes staring at me. ''Sonic?..'' I say weakly in a whisper. He smiles and strokes my cheek gently. ''I'm here... Don't worry...'' He says with a slightly gritty voice, like if he had cried a lot. ''W-What's happened?.. it's a little fuzzy in my head... I feel so weak...'' He smiles sadly. ''Eggman really took a lot of energy out of you, huh?..'' He exhales gloomily and speak up again. ''You lost consciousness right after you gave birth to our son... He was premature and weak... But alive... I didn't see him for a week, since you lost consciousness...'' I look up to him weakly. ''It's been a week already?..'' He just nods. ''How he is now?.. I can see him?..'' I try to sit up but Sonic hold me back. ''Easy Shad, you're too weak to move right now...'' ''Sonic... Please... I want to see our son...'' He sighs. ''I don't know if you can see him... And you need to rest, I don't want you to go into a regenerative rest and lose your memory again...'' ''Please Sonic... I want to see him... just a little...'' He sighs again, loudly this time, and gets up from his chair. ''Don't do anything stupid, alright?..'' I nod slowly and he go out of the room.

I'll finaly see my baby...

   It takes him some minutes but I finaly hear him come back. He opened the door and comes inside, with a kind of hospital bed for babies. ''There, He is our son...'' I see Sonic takes our baby gently and hand it to me. I'm surprised to see an albino hedgehog... He is an albino?..

Sonic smiled at me. ''You seem surprised, but he is definitely ours. He is a rare one... Just like you...'' I smile at Sonic, taking my son slowly. ''You're a rare one as well Sonic...'' He smiles and sit down on the chair next to my bed.

I look at my son. Sonic is right, he have Sonic's peach muzzle and my chest fur... He is perfect... But he is small... It makes me worried... ''He is so small...'' I say sadly. ''Don't worry, it's because he is premature... But the doctors said that he will grow up nicely.'' I sigh in relief, stroking my son's quills slowly. He purred a bit, nuzzling my chest fur. ''We need to give him a name...'' I smile weakly, looking at Sonic. ''Yeah you're right, we can't call him 'him' or 'baby' all the time.'' He says, gigling at his own joke, making me smile more. He looks less worried now. ''You have an idea?'' ''I don't know, maybe, you don't want to name him?'' I blush in embarrassement. ''Umm... It's not that... It's just... I'm bad with names and... I want you to choose one for him...'' He grins. ''I'm sure you're not that bad, but I can't say no to have the honor to name our son.'' He strokes our baby cheek gently, making him giggles. ''What about Silver? It suit him after all.'' Silver?.. I look at our son, who giggles a bit more at the mention of his name. He seems to like it as well. ''Silver?.. You're right, it suit him. And since he seems to like it as well I can't say no.'' Sonic smiled happily. ''Silver it is then! Welcome to the family my son.'' I laugh at Sonic's happiness, he is just like a kid... But I start to feel weak again... Sonic is right... I need to rest...

''I'm tired...'' Sonic kissed my forehead gently. ''You need your rest love, sleep well, I'll stay right next to you with Silver.'' He takes Silver gently, making the little baby whimpers a bit at the loss of warm, and he put him back in his baby bed. I close my eyes and falls asleep with the voice of Sonic calming down our little Silver...

   I have my own family now.


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