Chapter 2

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Shadow POV

I'm racing with Sonicagain. He is running with a smile on his face, just running make him happy?I don't understand him sometimes...

We are close to the finishline, I'm trying to go faster, I'll not let him win after all. But when he see me speed up, he just smirks and speed up at the last secondand...

''I won!'' Sonic says witha happy smile and a victory pose, It makes me want to smile, but Ihide it and cross my arms with a glare. ''You just cheated. Youstarted to run before the go.'' Sonic grins a bit. ''The UltimateLife Form can't keep up with me? We race every week, You know whenthe race start and when it stop.'' I just 'hmphed' and look away, Iknow that I was more admiring him than racing, I really need tostop to think about this feeling...

''Hey Shads, you're fine?You keep spacing out.'' Shit, I really need to focus... ''Of courseI'm fine, why do you care anyway?'' Sonic stare at me confused and...sad? ''I care about you Shads...'' He sighs but quickly smiles again.''I have a party at my house this weekend, you want to come?'' ''No.Why do you want me in that party?'' I glare at him. ''Don't be like thatShads... I want to know you better...'' I look at him surprised.''You want to know... me?'' ''Yeah of course! We are friends afterall!'' Sonic smiles hopefully ''We are not friends, Hedgehog...'' Igrowl at him and look away to hide my blush, I know I am blushing,I don't want him to see it... ''Come on! After everything we havedone together! You can't say that!'' I grunt at him. ''Come on Shads!It will be fun, really! And I'll be happy to see you there...'' Soniclooks down sadly, I make the mistake to look at him from the cornerof my eyes, and now I feel guilty when I see his face. The wordsjust come out alone. ''Fine... I'll come... But don't make me regret it.'' I scowl. I'm in a big mess now... Sonic looks up to me with ahappy face ''Thanks Shads! I'll make sure that you will have fun! Ineed to go to prepare the party. See ya later Shads!'' And he justruns off like that. I rub my temple and sighs deeply. What will I do at this party!..

Later this day, I'mwalking to Rouge's house, she is the only person I feel comfortablewith... well, beside Sonic... I'll have to tell her that... I justhope she will keep it to herself...

I'm walking to herapartment and knock. ''Welcome back sugar~ come inside.'' She grinsa bit and lets me in, I go inside and sit down on the couch. ''So?~How was your race with Sonic?~'' I blush a bit, I'm sure she enjoys this, with the mischievous look she is giving me right now. I just look away from her. ''Come on Shadow, you can tell me, I can keep asecret.'' I nearly laugh when she says that. ''You? You can keep asecret? Since when?'' I smirked when I saw her embarrassed face.''Don't be like that Shadow... I can see that something wrong, I justwant to help... You're like a brother to me and you know it...'' Shelooks dreary now and it makes me feel guilty again. I exhale slowly andlook at her. ''I'm sorry Rouge... I just don't want that someoneelse know it... If I tell you, I want you to keep your mouth shut,alright?'' I immediatly look at her seriously. She looks up to me with areal smile. ''Of course! Now tell me!'' I blush and look down.''W-Well... I... I feel a warm feeling when I'm close to Sonic...And... He makes me feel... Happy...'' I can imagine Rouge smilinglike a fangirl now... ''Aww... Shadow, it's so cute! You're inlove!'' I blush deeply in embarrassment. ''I'm not cute and don'tsay that out loud!'' ''Don't worry Shadow, I'll keep my mouth shut, Ipromise.'' She smiles at me. ''T-Thank you...'' I took adeep breath to control my emotions. ''You're coming to Sonic's partythen?~ I can't wait to see that~'' My eyes open wide when she saysthat. ''What do you mean?..'' I feel a bit insecure... What she isthinking about?!...


Hello there! Here's the chapter 2. I hope you will like it, I'll start to work on the chapter 3 when I can. See you all later! :)

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