Chapter One

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Your P.O.V

"Let's see. What job shall we go on today?" I asked myself while looking at the job requests. Jiemma was currently out of the guild, putting Minerva in charge. Sting and Rogue along with Lector and Frosch have left on a job.

That stupid cocky blonde. I'm happy he isn't here. I'm sick of his stupid attitude.

That attitude that I somewhat fell in love with...

"Um. Y/n-Chan? Are you alright?" Yukino said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking. Hey Yukino, you wanna go on a job with me?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course!" Yukino smiled.

"Alright. Let's go on this one." I said, ripping off a request sheet.

'Help! Help is needed! Bandits are infiltrating our village and stealing our young girls and killing off the village people! We need help please! Reward: Celestial Wizard Keys'

I read the paper aloud and Yukino seemed interested. I then told Minerva I was going on a job. She nodded and sent me off with a wave.

She is really nice. Well when she isn't in the presence of Jiemma. It's like she has two personalities.

Me and Yukino left and got on the train to head to the village. It was called the Fuji Village. When we arrived, we were approached by a young man around the age of 19.

"Are you the wizards who agreed to our request?" He asked.

"Yes. My name is Y/n. This is Yukino. We are members of Sabertooth." I said.

"Sabertooth? You mean as in the strongest guild in Fiore as of now?" He asked.

"Yes." Yukino answered.

"Woah. Now we have greater chance of getting our women and girls back." He said.

"Yes. Also what is your name?" I asked.

"Pardon my rudeness. My name is Sora." Sora said.

"Alrighty then Sora. Do you have any clue where these bandits may be?" I asked.

"Yes. I could lead you if you'd like." Sora said.

"Sure. Lead the way." I said.

He walked in front of me and Yukino, we began to follow him in silence until Yukino spoke up.

"Excuse me Sora-Sama, but how is it that you know the way to the bandits' secret base?" Yukino asked.

"It's because I've tried to save the girls, but failed miserably." Sora said.

"Oh. Well this attempt is going to succeed. I promise!" Yukino said with a determined face.

I chuckled and nodded my head in agreement.

"Thank you once again for this. I am forever in your debt." Sora said.

"There is no need for that. I'm fine with just the celestial keys." I said.

"What a wonderful girl." Sora whispered but I heard.

I smiled and continued to follow Sora. Once we arrived, we saw a medium sized building.

"I wish you the best of luck. Please do your best and bring the girls back to us." Sora said.

"I promise. We'll bring the girls back. Even if it's the last thing we do." I said.

Yukino nodded in agreement.

Me and Yukino walked in the building and all eyes were locked on us.

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