Chapter Seventeen

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"R-really?! I feel the same way!" Was the only thing I heard before the door had slammed shut in my face and someone pulled me away.

I looked towards the person, Rufus.

"D-did you see anything?" Rufus asked.

I lowered my head and pushed him off of me, and walked out of the guild.

Once I got back to the house I shared with Sting and Rogue, I brushed past Rogue, ignoring his, "I told you so" comments, and in Sting's room.

I layed down, and softly petted Ginga. She was asleep.

A tear rolled down my eye. Shit...

"To think I was such of a tough and badass girl before now...but now I'm all soft and full of tears." I said, my voice cracking.

"It's only because of the baby. It's just messing with your emotions is all." I heard Ginga say sleepily.

"Go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." I said softly.

"I know. It's fine." Ginga said and yawned.

After about 5 hours, me and Ginga had grown closer than before, and we had a true bond. She had comforted me, and did everything she could to make me feel better. Reassuring me that everything was alright, and that Sting wasn't cheating.

Soon, I'd know for sure if he was or wasn't, cause he was here.

"Can you go in the livingroom for now? I sense Sting's presence." I said with a growl at the end.

Ginga nodded and slipped through the door, and I heard her little feet pitter patter down the hall, the fromt door open, and much firmer footsteps walk to the bedroom door.

I looked direcrly at the door, watching as the door knob twisted, and the door, slowly opening.

Blonde hair popped out from the door and soon, Sting fully came in the room.

"What were you doing at the guild?" I immediately asked.

"It was supposed to be a secret." Sting said while scratching the back of his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked quickly with widened eyes.

"Well, you wanted me to be the father of your child, and the only way to do that was to put some of my DNA in you and the only way to do that would be in a sexual way. So I had Yukino and Minerva help me out with some ideas for our date and how it would all go down cause I'm not too good with romantic stuff. We had planned a nice dinner date and afterwards we would look at the sunset on a rooftop. What you heard, was me expressing how I felt about you, and what kind of things you'd like, and Yukino agreeing. I know you probably thought different, but trust me, I would never cheat on you. Ever." Sting explained.

Suddenly all of my worries had vanished and a wide smile spread on my face.

"Really Sting!?" I asked, joy spilling out of my words.

"Yeah. I really wanna start a family with you. I wish it were a different scenerio though." Sting said as he knelt down and held my hands.

I smiled and kissed him sweetly.

"I love you Sting." I said.

"I love you too Y/n." Sting said.

~2 weeks later~

Sting had told me to wear something pretty. I forgot a lot of stuff and I didn't care so I just threw on some outfit that was hiding in my pocket dimension.

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