Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey Sting. Should I sell my house?" I asked.

"Sure. You can always live with me, Lector, Frosch.....and Rogue." Sting said.

"Great. Cause I already did!" I smiled.

Sting sweatdropped.

"How much money did you get?" Sting asked.

"10 million jewel. That house was a fortune!" I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah see, that's actually my house so that's my money." Sting smirked.

"Oh well too bad. I don't have it on me right now." I smirked back.

"What? Why?" Sting asked me.

I jumped on the little concrete stumps and balanced on them, still following behind Sting.

"Cause, If I get mugged, they'd find a good 10 million jewel on me. Plus, what idiot carries around that much cash?" I say in a duh tone.

Sting stays silent and we soon arrive at his shared house with Rogue and the exceeds.

"You have a nice home." I smiled.

"Oh don't worry. It isn't something big y'know." Sting shrugged.

"C'mon, let's go inside." Sting said.

I nodded and followed him inside the house. It was actually bigger on the inside that it looked on the outside.

"Could you guys keep it do-...Oh hey Y/n. Glad to see you here." Rogue said.

"Hey...Rogue." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Oh how's my baby growing along?" Rogue asked.

"Your 'baby's' growth is being postponed. I used some ancient magic to stop her from developing. Her DNA just needs to be changed so she won't have your DNA." I snarled.

Rogue looked at me like I was insane.

"So your making the baby, not mine?" Rogue asked.

"Biologically. I can ask for Sting's DNA and make the baby become Sting's biologically." I stated.

"Also, there isn't any way you can reverse the spell that's halting the baby's growth. Only I can stop it. There's no way for anybody else to do it. I decided not to abort the baby because that would be the same as killing someone or taking a life, and I don't like killing unless I ultimately have to, and I didn't have to abort this baby, so I'm keeping it, changing it's DNA, so it won't be yours. It's your fault for doing this to me." I explained.

Me and Sting then walked in his room.

"Sting stop growling." I sighed.

"Okay okay okay...but...he put a baby inside you?" Sting asked.

"Yeah..." I said sadly.

"Don't worry. I'll give you whatever DNA you'd need." Sting said.

"Well....the only way you can transfer the DNA, is through Sexual Reproduction." I said.

"Sensual repercussions?" Sting asked.

"No, Sexual Reproduction." I corrected.

"In other words through sex?" Sting asked.


(This was short for reasons. Trust me I had soemthing to do while i was writing this and I needed to update something today and it was this book that came up first, so I'm sorry that this chapter was short. But in any other case I thoroughly hope that you enjoyed it! Bye!)

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