Chapter Four

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"The Grand Magic Games are coming up soon." I said to Ginga.

"What are the Grand Magic Games?" Ginga asked.

"Well the Grand Magic games are a tournament. It is a competition created in the last seven years where the winner is considered the strongest guild in Fiore, also getting a 30,000,000 jewel prize." I explained.

"I seem to understand. When does it start?" Ginga asked.

"In three months." I said.

Ginga then nuzzled herself into my hair again and fell asleep.

I chuckled and eventually made it home. I unlocked my door and stepped in it.

That flashback I had and why did Sting change so much? He believed that I would become way stronger than he is now, he put so much confidence in me and now, it's like he never said it. He Even said he loved me...

"Damn it." I said as I shook my head, getting rid of those thoughts.

I stopped shaking my head and remembered Ginga was up there. I carefully and slowly put her on the couch and she continued to snooze away. I went outside to the backyard and sat in the field not too far away.

"Just me and my stupid thoughts." I said.

I layed down on the grass and looked up at the peaceful sky.

"He loved me. Now he doesn't." I said.

Then I perked up and sat up.

"I THINK HE LOVES YUKINO!!" I exclaimed.

I jumped up and ran frantically inside my house.

I ran to the living room and plopped on the couch.

"Maybe he does. He treats her so much better. She is nicer...and prettier...and has bigger boobs...and... Wait a minute! He doesn't even call her a weakling!!!" I ranted.

"Yukino joined years after I did... So why isn't he calling her a weakling...?" I said softly.

I slapped myself and shook my head once again.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed to myself.

Ginga had put herself under the couch and roll up in the small blanket I let her lay on.

I sighed and chucked my Tv remote across the room. I groaned internally at my stupid behavior.

Why should I even care about what or who Sting loves. Or how he treats other people and the difference with me...

"Y/n?" Ginga said, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why are you so frustrated?" She asked.

"No reason." I smiled.

"Are you sure? You threw the remote." Ginga pointed out.

"Yes. Yes I did." I said.

"Anyways. Have you participated in the Grand Magic Games before?" Ginga asked.

"No. Jiemma never has seen me at my fullest extent. I do hope that I get to participate this time." I said.

"You will." Ginga said.

"Hm. What makes you so sure?" I asked.

"I just feel it." Ginga said.

I chuckled and rubbed her head with my finger.(since she's so tiny)

-the next day-

I yawned to myself as I walked in the guild house. Ginga decided to stay at home so I'm alone. Yukino didn't come over unfortunately so I couldn't make our matching outfits. In case I get to participate in the Grand Magic Games.

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