Chapter Eight

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I woke up naturally, not wanting to wear the same outfit everyday. That's stupid...

I yawned and checked the time.

"I'm an hour early before everyone wakes up. Ugh, I've got to stop doing that..." I muttered to myself.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at my tired face in the mirror. I feel bad for that Mermaid girl. I took my anger out on her. It isn't her fault that Sting makes me frustrated with his mixed emotions and signals.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I turned on the water to take a shower when suddenly the door was opened.

I covered my body with the towel and turned around.

"Dammit you scared me." I sighed in relief.

"Sorry about that Y/n-Chan. I didn't know you were in here. I just wanted to take a shower." Yukino said.

"Since we are best friends, why don't we take one together?" I asked.

"Um..I don't know..would you be comfortable with that?" Yukino asked with tinted cheeks.

"It's fine with me. C'mon what temperature do ya like?" I asked as I fiddled with the shower knobs.

"It doesn't matter. I just like it relaxing. But I prefer a very warm and relaxing Jacuzzi temperature." Yukino said as she slowly undressed.

"Alright!" I smiled and turned on the water. I checked it to make sure that it was to me and Yukinos liking and jumped in.

"C'mon Yukino! Don't be shy!" I said.

She nodded with a smile and got in the bath as well.

"Lemme scrub your back." I said.

"No. I'd like to scrub yours first." Yukino said.

I nodded and then turned around. She softly scrubbed my back with gentleness and care and it was relaxing to say the least.

Afterwards I washed myself and so did Yukino, I scrubbed her back and she rinsed the soap and we both got out.

I wrapped the towel around myself and let Yukino go out first. Good thing the guys were out cold. I looked at the time and we had 45 minutes left before the alarm wakes the knuckleheads.

I sighed and went through my bag. Grabbing lotion, underwear, bra, and an outfit. I doubt I'll be fighting but hey, ya never know.

(I wonder if i said I don't own these

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(I wonder if i said I don't own these. Well I don't own none of these pics. Props to the owner tho. Go check them out.)

"Alright and check." I said as I slipped on my last boot and zipped it up.

The alarm sounded and Sting threw a pillow in a random place which just so happened to hit Orga, Orga woke up and threw a pillow at Sting, who woke up and threw a pillow at Rogue, thinking that he threw it, Rogue woke up and threw a pillow randomly and it hit Rufus, waking him up and starting a pillow war.

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