Chapter Twelve

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(*Ahem* This chapter...full...of lemons...not regular lemons...Rape lemons. Yes. Rape. If you have no interest in being virtually raped by a hot emo dragonslayer then you are excused to skip or leave the story until further chapters are published in the future and if you are reading this story and this story is completed, then you may skip to the next chapter and read on. But if you do not give two shits about being virtually raped by a hot emo dragonslayer, then by all means, continue reading this chapter and...enjoy I guess. Now then, On with the chapter!)

"Rogue?! What are you doing here?" I asked the black haired dragonslayer.

"I brought Frosch something." Rogue said.

"Oh what is it? Wait is he staying with me?" I asked him.

"Something like that." Rogue said and walked up to me.

"Oh. Well...uh.." I said awkwardly.

"Here. I'll go get changed." I said while handing him Frosch.

Third Person P.O.V(Because I write better lemons in third person..)

As Y/n went upstairs to change out of her dress, Rogue slipped some type of ear technology that blocks out ALL SOUND, in Frosch's ear.

"Now you won't be exposed to the loud sounds and your innocence will stay perfectly fine." Rogue said softly as he put Frosch on the couch, softly.

He then slowly made his way up the stairs, to Y/n's room. As he approached her door, he heard her struggle with the dress.

"FUCKING dress! Won't fucking unhook! How the- GET THE HELL OFF OF MY WAIST!!" Rogue heard her ramble.

Rogue chuckled softly at her actions. He licked his lips as he twisted the door knob, opening the door as he did so.

He walked in the room and quickly locked the door, and turned into a shadow.

Y/n turned around towards the door, seeing nothing but her closed door. She hit her head and shook it.

"I'm probably just hallucinating." She said to herself and continued to struggle with the dress.

"It was easy to put this crap on so why the FUCK ISN'T IT EASY TO TAKE OFF!!" Y/n shouted.

She sighed and sat on her bed.

"That's weird. Why is the bed so...bumpy?" Y/n asked and turned around, now face to face with Rogue.

She shrieked and jumped back, falling on the floor and ripping the dress slightly.

"Holy Chicken Nuggets Rogue! You scared the crap out of me! When did you get in here?! Why are you in here?!" Y/n asked.

Rogue didn't answer. He just stared at Y/n, taking in her appearance and how he could make it even more enticing.

"Rogue?" She asked.

"Y/n." He said, his voice deep and husky.

Y/n shivered at his tone, it shook her a bit as she didn't expect this from Rogue but she shrugged it off and continued.

"Can you get out? I have to change." Y/n said.

"I'm afraid, that I can't." Rogue said, now getting up and walking towards Y/n.

She tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mea- WHA?! AH!!" Y/n said but was cut off when Rogue picked her up and threw her on the bed, now being pinned down by the said dragonslayer.

"Rogue what are you doing? Let me go!" She said.

Rogue stared at her with his now lust filled eyes, and licked his lips again.

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