Chapter Three

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(Ok now this chapter is gonna follow up in da anime now!)

I groaned internally as my alarm for today went off. I checked the time to see 9:35. Ugh. I gotta get up.

I came from under my cover and was hit with the bright light of sunshine. I covered my eyes until I adjusted and began to get out of the bed. I stepped in my bathroom and began my morning routine.

I put on a fresh new outfit I got yesterday.

I hooked my keys to my belt and made my way downstairs and outof my house

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I hooked my keys to my belt and made my way downstairs and outof my house.

While walking, I come across this cute little cat. It wasn't normal though. It was...tiny.

It was so adorable!

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It was so adorable!.

"Hey there little one. Why are you all alone?" I said, not really expecting a reply.

"Some people abandoned me." It's tiny voice responded.

I was frozen in shock. So is this kitten like an exceed? No, it isn't the size of a toddler.

"It may be weird but I am an actual kitten. But people did experiments on me and it made me talk, they thought it didn't work and left me on the street." The kitten said.

"That's sad...what is your name? I'll gladly take you in and care for you." I said while scooping the tiny kitten up.

It was the size of my palm and it looked at me with it's huge and pretty blue and purple eyes that had sparkles in them like stars. Her eyes look like the galaxy, so pretty.

"My name is Ginga!" Ginga said.

"That means Galaxy in Japanese." I said with a smile.

"Hey what's your name?" Ginga asked.

"Y/n." I said.

"Well Y/n. Promise me somethin would ya?" Ginga asked.

"Anything." I said.

"Promise me that you won't leave me out on the streets like those people did." Ginga said.

I smiled warmly at her and held her to my cheek.

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