Chapter Five

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I went to the most trainable place to train.

With Dragonslayers....

Sting forced me to train with him and Rogue and Yukino.

Yukino was actually pretty nice about it, but she was scared about how I would act when I woke up.

-1 hour earlier-

"Uh. Are you sure we should be doing this Sting-Sama?" Yukino asked.

"Nah. This is perfectly safe." Sting said while picking up the unconscious body of Y/n.

"But what will we do when she awakens? She'll kill us!" Yukino exclaimed.

"She isn't that strong Yukino. Don't put so much faith into her." Sting said.

Yukino tilted her head to the left in confusion.

She realized that Sting said that so Y/n could hear it. Y/n may have been unconscious but she could still hear what was going on around her in the real world.

It made her grit her teeth in anger because of her dream and what Sting said.

Yukino was worried and was sad since she didn't know that Sting would say such of a thing. Yeah he may gloat about his strength but she never thought he'd say don't put any faith in Y/n. Y/n! The person he grew up with! The person he had, fell in love with.

What had happened to the two? Did Y/n do something?

But whatever the case May be, I don't think Sting will give that type of information away to just anybody.

He must've told Rogue. That is his best pal, his best friend, some would even say, his brother.

(I actually thought that Rogue and Sting were brothers)

Yukino decided to ask Rogue what was going on between Y/n and Sting. She didn't like the unusual tension between the two. Everyone got on the train, while Rogue and Sting died, and they rode on the train. Unconscious Y/n and all.

-1 hour later-(present time)

"I would like to throttle the person who knocked me unconscious." I said with a glare.

Yukino shivered and Rogue shivered but you could barely see it, and Sting shivered a little.

"It was me. Although you were pretty heavy. Lay off on the snacks would ya?" Sting said, and quickly put his hand back over his mouth, his face puffing up and turning blue. Ahh his motion sickness. Gotta love it.

"But YOU said you had no problem carrying Y/n-Chan. You even volunteered to!" Yukino said.

I smirked as I looked at Sting.

"So Sting? Any other insults you wanna throw at me?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're a weak idiot." Sting said, before holding his mouth so he wouldn't vomit.

"Yup heard that one before." I said.

The rest of the ride was silent, Yukino occaisonally broke the silence and talked to me. I talked back and the conversation would come to a stop.

And so did the train.

Rogue and Sting were the first ones off, Sting was yelling at us.

"Come on Yukino! Hurry!" Sting said.

It hurt my heart. Why? Again I don't know. Maybe he does love Yukino. There could be a possibility.

While I was thinking, I could hear Yukino calling my name.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked.

"I wondered about Sting-Sama's behavior recently. He's been so hateful recently, do you know the reason?" She asked.

"I have no clue actually. I was kinda hoping you knew." I answered.

Sting had went somewhere with Lector and so did Rogue with Frosch. Which left me and Yukino and a hiding Ginga. That reminds me, I should open my purse.

"You okay in there Ginga?" I asked.

"Yea! I'm fine!" She said.

Yukino was about to scream but it was replaced with a squeal.

"She is so adorable and tiny!" She squealed as she picked up Ginga.

"Her name is Ginga." I said.

"Such a beautiful name. From my little knowledge of Japanese that means Galaxy." Yukino said.

Ginga nodded and smiled.

I smiled at how happy she looks. So peaceful.

"Hey Y/n-Chan. Sting-Sama and Rogue-Sama have rented some cabin rooms. There were only three and Rogue-Sama doesn't like sharing rooms." Yukino said.

"Then we can share a room." I said.

" up to Sting-Sama." Yukino said.

My head then filled up with random thoughts.

'Who the hell made him leader?'

'Does that mean he'll choose to share a room with Yukino.'

'If I have to share a goddamn room with him I will explode.'

'Did I leave the oven on at home?'

'I wonder how Dragon Fruit taste...'

yEaH my mind flew off the subject.

"Oh here they come now." Yukino said as she put Ginga back in my purse.

"Alright here is the deal, Y/n you're gonna share a room with me since Yukino doesn't share rooms with guys and I'm sure you'll scare the poor girl of her innocence with your non attractive body." Sting said.

Now that comment hit my heart and confidence harder than the other comments. And I mean EXTREMELY hard!!! It hurt horribly and I lowered my head to hide the pained look in my eyes as I struggled to keep from holding my chest.

"Anyways let's go." Sting said.


I walked in the room I was supposed to share with Sting, and saw a few nice and homely things.

A bathroom was in it, a Tv, a table with two chairs next to the window which showed a beautiful scene of the outside when it was sunny.

My mood was slightly risen and I could feel my smile forming on my face. Until Sting came in.

"Observing the room Huh?" Sting asked.

I stayed silent as I continued to look around and I spotted only one bed.

"Why is there only one bed?" I asked.

"Dunno. But seems like we'll have to share it." Sting said.

He plopped down on the bed and sighed in delight.

My eyes darkened and my bangs(if you have them) covered my eyes.

"Why are you such of a jerk to me?"

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