Chapter Thirteen

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Y/n slowly got up from her bed, her legs hurting and her mouth sore.

"Damn him." She said with gritted teeth.

"I didn't...have the him." Y/n said, a tear fell from her eye.

Then her door was unlocked and someone came in. Y/n looked up and saw Bosatsu with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry. I was rendered useless when you needed my help. The Celestial Spirits, including myself, heard your screams and cries, we only thought that you were being tickled by a comrade or possibly being tortured mentally and harmlessly. I am unworthy of bein your Celestial Spirit as I failed to protect you." Bosatsu said.

"B-Bosatsu. It's okay. At least, I wasn't killed. You don't have to put the blame on yourself. It was my fault for using too much magic and energy at the Grand Ball. You are every bit worthy and I can't see my life without you in it." Y/n told her.

Bosatsu smiled and nodded.

"I have healing magic. I can heal your sore mouth and legs if you'd like. That way I can be helpful." Bosatsu said.

"Thank you. I'd love that." Y/n said.

Bosatsu walked towards Y/n and healed her soreness.

"Now then. We should get to the guild. You may not want to see Rogue's face, but we still need to level up on money." Bosatsu said before dissappearing.

Y/n sighed and looked through her dresser to find something to wear. Obviously nothing good was in there so she looked in her closet, finding the good stuff.

 Obviously nothing good was in there so she looked in her closet, finding the good stuff

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"Yeah. I like this." Y/n said.

She put the outfit on after taking a shower and headed towards Sabertooth. She sighed to herself, not ready to get out of the house, but she was strong. Her magic power has rejuvenated and she's full of energy and her adrenaline is stored somewhere and ready to be released if anything happens.

She made it to Sabertooth and walked in, not spotting the Shadow or Light dragon slayer. She figured that the coast was clear and she walked up to the job request board only to see no requests.

"Oh the request board is empty right now because everyone was at the Grand Magic Games and weren't having any troubles so didn't need any of the wizard guilds help." Yukino told me.

Y/n sighed in disappointment. She was about to exit, until she was grabbed by someone. She was about to kick them until the person spoke.

"Calm down, it's just me. I just want to talk." She heard the voice of Sting say.

She relaxed in his arms and Sting took her to his office, now that he has became the newest guild master.

"Y/n. When Rogue came in this morning, I could smell you on him. What happened between you two?" Sting asked. His tone and voice deep and serious.

Y/n took a moment before answering. The memory coming back to her and almost made her burst in tears.

"You wanna know?" She asked.

"Why do you think I'm asking you?" Sting asked.

" simple words...he...he ra-raped me..." Y/n said.

Sting's eyes widened. His anger rising to boiling levels.

"He what?" Sting asked in a gentle tone.

Just kidding he was mad as hell and had a death glare, along with a tone like he was about to kill. A menacing tone.

He growled as he observed Y/n's facial expression. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

It made him angry to see her like that. How dare Rogue rape the one he loved? And how dare he not be there to protect her?!

"DAMMIT!!" Sting shouted and punched the nearby wall.

Y/n let a tear slip from her face and stood up, walking towards the raging Light Dragon Slayer.

She wrapped her arms around Sting, now letting her tears flow freely.

"It's not your fault Sting. Don't beat yourself up about it! Sting, I don't want you to ruin your friendship with Rogue, and I surely don't want you to be hurt! Sting...I put it behind me. I don't particularly forgive him, but I put it behind me. I want you to do that too. We both have to be aware, and protective now. Please Sting." She cried.

Sting calmed down a little and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back.

"Of course. Anything for you Y/n. I won't forgive him, but I'll forget it. I love you Y/n." Sting said.

"I love you too Sting. So much." Y/n said and buried her head deeper into Sting's exposed chest.

"I'm here. I'm here." Sting whispered.

They stayed like that for a while until Y/n went to sleep in his arms. Sting sat down and held Y/n in his lap. Her head rested on his chest and her legs rested on his own.

As she slept, Sting planned out how to at least make her forget completely about that horrible experience.

'Maybe a picnic? No that wouldn't makw her happy. I know! Something simple. Thanks creativity. I just found the best ideas for our first date. We can go when she wakes up, as long as I plan everything correctly.' Sting thought.

Hey for once he actually took the time to think.

He picked Y/n up and put her on the couch nearby. When he left the office, he told Rufus, Orga, and Yukino, along with Doranbolt to keep watch of her and make sure ntohing happens to her and to always shine a light on Rogue if he goes anywhere near his office door.

They nodded, confused as to why he would order such of a high demand, but complied anyways.

Y/n slept soundfully as she knew Sting would protect her, and of course, she would protect herself.

Sting walked to many places, trying to get the perfect, and simple date for his love so she would be happy again like she was before all of this happened.

'He won't touch you again that's for sure. And if he does, I'll kill him.' Sting said with gritted teeth.

Author-Chan: Sting sounded like Kacchan in that sentence.

Deku(Broccoli Boi): Yeah. He did.

Todoroki: Hm...

Author-Chan: TODO SENPAI!!

Todoroki: I thoight you loved Bakugo.


Todoroki: Five?

Author-Chan: Well....I love you, Bakugo, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Aizawa....


Author-Chan: *leaves so she can melt in a puddle of shame*

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