Chapter Ten

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I heard shaking and explosions, with the smell of something burning. My door was slammed open.

"Y/n!" I heard Sting and Rogue shout in unison.

I growled and sat up.

"What?!" I shouted.

They both blushed but quickly shook it off.

"Someone is attacking the Guild!" Rogue shouted.

"Everything is going Boom Boom!" Frosch said.

I jumped out of my bed and requipped a shirt on. Since I didn't have one on.

I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room, Sting, Rogue, Frosch, and Lector following behind me.

When we got to the scene, we saw Natsu shouting and punching our guildmates.

"Where is your master?!" He shouted.

I tilted my head in confusion. Why would he want to know where our master is?

"What do you want with me kid?" Jiemma asked.

"Why...why did you do that to your own guildmate? Is that how you treat them? They lose a battle and they're out?" Natsu said with a venom-laced voice.

My eyes widened. He's...talking about Yukino.


I went back to room after helping everyone fix the guild's inn. I began to take a shower since I had to get my clothes dirty. When I came out, I forgot my towel on my bed.

And I didn't expect Sting to be in my room.

"WHAT THE- STING GET THE HELL OUT!" I shouted while covering myself.

Or at least trying to.

Sting looked directly at me and walked over to me.

"I-I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sorry for everything. I said so many horrible things to you. I've hated myself for that. After you stood up to Jiemma, I figured out why...why I loved much. You are so strong, and good-hearted. So brave and...and so beautiful." Sting said.

My face flushed red.

"W-what?!" I said but was cut off by Sting.

"Y/n I hate everything I said to you. You are everything opposite of what I said to you. I really hope you can forgive me. I only wish for your forgiveness. I just want you to know that I love you and that I don't want you to hate me." Sting said.

I looked into his eyes and my entire body relaxed, making my arms fall to my sides.

"Sting..." I blushed.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked.

He leaned his face towards mine.

"I mean every word Y/n." He said.

Then, he pressed his lips against my own, softly and firmly.

I slowly kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He slowly walked us over to my bed, and pressed me down onto it. Not breaking the kiss at all. He began to slowly trace his hand down my body.

I shivered at his touch, he was close to touching my breasts until someone rudely opened the door.

We both look towards the door to see Rogue. He was blushing and his face showed a slight bit of jealousy.

Sting looked at Rogue with an annoyed look.

"U-um. Jiemma wants to you...Y/n." Rogue said.

I sighed and got Sting off me and tried myself off, then I requipped into some jeans and a shirt that said "Go Fuck a Tree" and a picture of Petra was on the bottom of the shirt.

(I will follow you if you know who I'm talking about and which anime. Btw I love Petra but in them fanfics she a bish.)

I walked out of my room and left the two dragonslayers.

Rogue's P.O.V

I was beyond furious. How dare he?! He knew how much I loved Y/n! He knew! And yet he has the audacity to take her first kiss?! He even went so far as to confess to her while she was naked!! I would so kill him if it wasn't for this guild. They would notice his dissappearance and my peculiar behavior.

Dammit. I have to find another logical and less messy way to get rid of him.

"Later Rogue. I'm gonna go to sleep since, ya know, tomorrow is day 3. Yeah." Sting said. He left and I looked around Y/n's room. She had many belongings, some of which were lewd and I could imagine her wearing that. Just never thought that she would be into that.

She had no clothes in any dresser and the clothes she did have were just underwear. I'm guessing her other dimension pocket thing didn't have anymore space to fit them in, or she was just too lazy to put them in there.

Whatever the case may be, I don't care. I took 2 pairs of her panties and left her room in the shadows.

Yes. Y/n will be mine. I don't care about Sting and his 7 year old crush on her. I don't have a crush on her. No.


Sting P.O.V

I sighed as I dropped onto my bed. I feel idiotic. Yeah i did confess my feelings to Y/n, but did she return them? Better yet, does she even forgive me? She kissed back but I doubt she was even thinking. Damn me and my recklessness. I should've waited a bit longer. I know Jiemma won't approve of my feelings. Especially in this time of events.

"What do I care? I'll just quit the guild. My love for her is stronger...stronger than any bond or guild. I can't let anything get in my way anymore." I said to myself. I looked over to my right to see Lector sleeping peacefully.

The way Rogue looked at me as I passed him. It wasn't his normal stoic face. It was somewhat...angry.

"Nah. Whatever. I'm sleepy." I sighed and closed my eyes. Falling to sleep slowly and peacefully.

Your P.O.V

I walked to Jiemma's office with an irritated glare.

'What does this fucker want now?!' I internally shouted.

I finally reached his office door and took a knock at it.

"Is that Y/n?!" He asked.

"Yeah. I mean Yes sir!" I said since Jamma-Uh I mean Jiemma doesn't like it when I talk casually to him.

"Come in." He said.

I took one final sigh and opened the door, seeing him and Minerva sitting down in their chair throne shit and looking at me.

"You called for me sir?" I asked.

"Yes. It is about the games. Minerva Will be taking your spot. The king has now said that it is required of me to go back to five members. I just want to let you know that. You are welcome to watch on the stands alongside the the members, but you will not participate in any battles or events. You are dismissed." He explained.

My eye twitched ever so slightly as I made my way out of his office so I could get out of earshot to curse my ass off.

After my walk to my room while ranting, I requipped into my pajamas and got into bed. Thinking of Jamma-Jiemma...and Sting...

That damned blonde cocky bastard.

That I love so fucking much....

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