Chapter Seven

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After we made it in first, we decided to go back to our not floating inn and rest.

I requipped into my pajamas and layed down into my bed. Well then, Day 1 is tomorrow.

Until then.

(The next Day)

-I'm gonna skip to the hidden game because I'm Lazy like that-

I watched the event in boredom as it wasn't interesting. Knowing Rufus, he'll just hit everyone at the same time and earn 7 points. And so I turned around and sat on the chair.

"Y/n-Chan are you alright?" Yukino asked softly.

"Yeah. Just bored. This event is dull." I said.

"Well at least you get to see the people you look up to." She smiled.

"I don't look up to them anymore. I put too much faith in them and they left. Just like that. Now their guild's name is tarnished and we've stolen their thunder." I replied coldly.

Yukino looked hurt as she thought that the coldness in my voice was directed to her.

"I didn't mean to make that sound like it was directed to you." I said.

Yukino's eyes brightened back up and she smiled at me.

I smiled back and looked at the event. Rufus definitely used Night of Shootin Stars.

Such of a show off.

Then the battles were taking place. Fairy Tail Team A's Lucy Heartfilia versus Raven Tail's Flare Corona.

This seemed oddly entertaining as Lucy summoned not only one but two celestial spirits.

"Hm. Interesting." I said.

She's gotten stronger now huh? That's good. I may not look up to her anymore, but I certainly do admire her strength. 

She then made the two celestial spirits preform a Unison Raid. That's even more interesting.

Flare got knocked down but got back up, turning her hair into a wolf. Lucy then summoned another celestial Spirit and it cut Flare's hair.

Flare got mad and that's when I lost complete interest.

I left and went to get some snacks. Not caring for the battles anymore.


I came back only to see that the other Fairy Tail Team is competing against Lamia Scale.

Mystogan and Jura were fighting and seems like Mystogan was about to unleash a very powerful attack, but then I got disappointed and he began to hold his mouth in agony. Then he began to laugh like crazy and eventually he passed out.

I sighed in disappointment.

"So this is Fairy Tail? What happened to the Fairy Tail I knew?" I asked myself as I turned to leave since the day was over now. What a pity.

I walked to the inn, fiddling with my necklace.

"Yukino." I said as I stopped walking.

"How did you know?" She asked.

"I sensed your magical energy. You gotta do a better job at hiding it. I taught you better than this." I chuckled.

"Yeah. I just forget. I'm sorry." She said.

"It's fine. Why are you here anyways?" I asked.

"Oh it's just that, you have a battle." She said.

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