Chapter Two

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"Sting is here?" I asked.

Minerva nodded and smirked.

"Go talk to him." She said.

"Can't. I have something to do." I said.

"And that is?" Minerva asked, irritated.

"I got 3 new zodiac keys, I've gotta make some contracts!" I said with a smirk of achievment on my face.

Minerva sighed and turned to leave.

I turned towards the guild doors and made my way out. I walked to my lovely house that I love so much.

It's a two bedroom, two bathroom, one kitchen, livingroom, dining room, and a nice pool in the back yard. Which I installed myself.

"Y/n! About time you got here!" I heard Sting say.

I sighed, expecting him to do this. He does this EVERY SINGLE DAY!

"Why do you like to intrude my lovely home every day?" I asked calmly.

"It's cozy. But hey that's me talkin. I asked Rogue if he wanted to join me but he does his 'not interested' stuff so, yeah." Sting replied.

I walked upstairs to my room and took out the three keys I received. I looked at each of the signs on the keys, I have the Dragon, Fugen, the Snake, Fushin, and the Tiger, Bosatsu.

"Aita! Tora no mon/ bo-satsu! Doragon no mon: Fushen to hebi no mon: Fushin!(Open! Gate of the Tiger: Bosatsu! Gate of the Dragon: Fugen!  And Gate of the Snake: Fushin!)" I chanted.

Then 3 spirits appeared in front of me. Sting looked in curiousity as he never seen me summon 2 let alone 3 spirits.

"How did you-?" Sting started.

"Go aisatsu, watashi wa anata to keiyaku shitai 3 anata ga watashi no denwa o ukeru koto ga dekiru yō ni narudearou toki ni chōdo watashi ni ii nasai(Greetings, I would like to make a contract with you three. Please tell me at exactly when you will be available to receive my call)" I said.

"Watashitachi wa itsu demo soshite itsu demo denwa o toru. Watashitachi wa anata no sābisu ni tsuneni arimasu(We will take calls anytime and any day. We are always at your service)" They responded in unison.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"My name is Y/n. I hope we get along well." I said.

They all nodded their heads and smiled at me.

Then Fushin came up to me.

"As you may know, I am Fushin. It is a pleasure meeting you." Fusin said in fluent English.

" Fusin said in fluent English

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"Same here Fushin." I said and shook her hand.

Next up was Fugen.

He did the same and kissed my hand

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He did the same and kissed my hand. Fushin and Fugen went back to the spirit world and lastly to come up was Bosatsu. She seemed energetic and ecstatic.

She too, went back to the spirit world

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She too, went back to the spirit world.

I stretched my arms and legs.

"Well now that's out of the way, I'm starving!" I said.

I raced down the stairs and quickly went to my kitchen. In the fridge wasn't a lot. Nothing to eat anyways.

"Damn it. I have to go to the store..." I cursed.

Sting came downstairs not too long afterwards and saw me putting on my boots.

"Where are you going?" Sting asked.

"Getting food. Why?" I asked.

"Just asking. No need to get hostile. I mean you'd get beat easily if you try to fight me but I'll take it easy on ya." Sting said.

'Cocky mode, activated.' I thought.

I walked out of the door, Sting following, and locked it.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"Well weaklings like you, need to be protected." Sting said.

"If I were a weakling, then how come I was able to join Sabertooth?" I asked.

"!!!..." Sting was stunned and stayed quiet.

"Exactly." I said.

The walk towards the local store, was quiet and completely silent.

Once in the store, though, Sting got lost in the snack aisle.

"I'm not paying for your snacks. You came back from a job, so you've got money." I said while paying for my things.

"Pllleeeeeaaaasssee? They even have these yummy looking chips!" Sting pleaded.

I sighed and secretly payed for Stings snacks. I grabbed my bags and Sting was sulking because he thought I didn't buy his snacks.

"Weak. Weakling. So weak. Can't believe I'm talking to a weakling." Sting kept muttering but iI honestly just ignored him. He was still following me and when we arrived back at my house, I opened the door and walked in.

"Stupid weakling. In her stupid house. With her stupid food." Sting muttered.

I sighed and pulled out his chips and threw them at him.

"OW! WHY WOULD YO- *gasp* YOU GOT ME THE CHIPS!" Sting exclaimed.

"It was no problem. You kept bothering me about it so I got it." I said.

"Thanks Y/n-Chan!" Sting said, but then froze, realizing what he just said.

I froze. My heart skipped thirty beats and my face went red.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." Sting said.

I scoffed and made me some food.


Sting finally left my house and I was left alone. In peace. And in the tub.

This is life indeed. But what Sting said had me thinking.

Why did he call me Y/n-Chan? Something that he NEVER would call me.

Trust me, he would never ever call me that, not in a million years.

"Ugh! This thinking makes my head hurt!" I shouted and pushed my head underwater.

Damn him and his good looks! Why should I even think about him? Why is he on my mind? UGH!!

I rose my head back up and got out of the tub. Letting the water out and wrapping myself in a towel.

I walked to my room and found some pajamas and my night routine was in progress. After I completed everything, I decided to watch anime until I got sleepy.

Unfortunately, sleep was already around the corner and ready to kidnap me. But I know how to fight sleep so I stayed up for about 5 hours until finally dozing off and letting myself be kidnapped by sleep.

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