Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up after an hour and 30 minutes, seeing that I was in someone's arms and in a different attire.

I woke up after an hour and 30 minutes, seeing that I was in someone's arms and in a different attire

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I looked up and saw that I  was in Yukino's arms.

"Don't worry, I made sure not to look at anything private when I changed your clothes." She smiled.

"Oh. Okay." I said and I began to wiggle around in her arms and soon, Yukino let her down and let me walk on my own.

"Where are we going?" I asked Yukino.

"I can't say." Yukino said softly.

I shrugged and nodded. We both continued to walk along the trail Yukino lead me on, and my curiosity died down.

She then stopped in front of a large building. When I looked in her direction, she was gone.

"What the-?!" I exclaimed.

I looked up at the building and saw it was the infamous Incredible Pizza.

"Why did she take me here?" I asked myself.

My hand was then grabbed and my body was turned around. I was then faced towards an exposed chest as always and a sexy face.

It was my boyfriend. Sting.

"I know you're full of questions. But I'll explain it simply. This is a date. Our first date. Now discard all of your questions and focus on having fun!" Sting smiled at me.

I smiled back and nodded.

"Right. Let's go!!" I shouted and dragged Sting inside.

We paid our way in and dashed straight to the games and rides. I beat Sting in bowling and Go-Karts. He beat me in Lazer Tag and in Go-Karts on the second round.

I had beat him in the most tickets earned.

Afterwards we ate and went home.

"Y/n, I hope you had fun." Sting said.

"I really did." I smiled.

Sting smiled back at me and I blushed.

"I'm really happy you did. I put some deep thought into this." Sting said.

I then bursted into a bowl of laughter.

"You actually thought for once?! Hahahahahah!" I laughed.

Sting pouted and turned his head up.

"You don't have to be so mean." He said.

"I'm sorry. It was just really funny." I said, wiping a tear from my eye.

"Oh and, I got you a present." Sting said.

He gave me a small box, that was wrapped in f/c wrapping paper and tied with a s/f/c ribbon.

I untied the ribbon and ripped the wrapping paper. The box had an Ox on it. It looked like a celestial spirit key box. I opened it and saw the Japanese Zodiac Key of the Ox, Kokuzo.

I looked at Sting with widened eyes.

"Thank you so much Sting! I really appreciate this! Thank you thank you thank you!!" I said and continuously kissed Sting.

Sting smiled and kissed me back.

"No problem. I have to make you even happier than you were now didn't I?" Sting asked.

"Well teachnically you didn't have to." I said with a smile.

Sting chuckled and put his hands in his pockets.

"Well I wanted to." Sting said.

"I'm happy either way Sting." I smiled.

~the next day~

I yawned and got out of bed. Sting had said that he got a new pool for the guild today. I wonder if it's already installed or not.

Just in case, I'll put on a bathing suit. A one piece. (Not the anime).

I then put on some jeans and a t-shirt with a denim jacket.

(I have actually worn jeans with a bathing suit, it was actually quite more comfy than I thought.)

I then put Ginga in my purse and requipped my Light Wing Armour.

We made it to the guild in no time, under 5 seconds.

I opened the doors and saw everyone in the formation we had used when Jiemma was our guild master.

"What the fu-

"Y/n. Why are you late?" I heard Sting ask in a menacing tone.

I looked at where his voice came from and saw him there, on that throne. He was glaring at me, did I do something wrong?

"Uh...late for what?" I asked.

"Late for our meeting!" He shouted.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"I wasn't told that we'd have a meeting, or that it would be today." I said.

"No excuses! Get up here, NOW!" He said.

I sighed and walked up to him. I hated these shitty meeting Jiemma held, NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN STING WANTS TO HAVE THEM!!

"Take it off. Now." Sting ordered.

My eyes widened. Everyone else started to strip.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I am your guild master. You do as I say." Sting said.

It was really hard for me to keep from rolling my eyes, OH BUT I REALLY WANT TO!!!

I sighed and took my jacket off.

"I suppose..." I trailed off and took my shirt off.

"...but there isn't nothin to see." I smirked and took my pants off.

"That's fine. It was just a ruse. LET'S GET IN THE POOL!!!" Sting smiled and shouted.

I facepalmed and hit him in the back of the head.


He smiled at me and hugged me.

"Sorry." He said.

I then hugged him back and felt myself being lifted up.

"Huh? Sting- STING WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I asked.

"I said I was sorry." Sting said and threw me in the pool.

I cursed underwater and resurfaced.

"You're gonna get it." I smirked evilly.

"Hey at least I said I was sorry." Sting sweated.

I quickly grabbed Sting's leg and pulled him in the water.

"Come into the underworld with us." I said in a raspy demonic tone.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!" Sting screamed.

"Come into the darkness with the dark master." I said and motioned towards Rogue.

"NO WAY!" Sting huffed.

"I'm just kidding Sting!" I smiled, then I pulled him down into the water.

"YES! I FINALLY GOT HIM IN!!" I exclaimed and giggled.

"Help! Y/n! Sting!" I heard Lectors voice.

"FROSCH'S MISSING!!" Lector said.

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