Chapter Sixteen

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Lemon? Maybe. Beware and watch out for warnings.)

I yawned as I woke up. I tried to sit up, but something was restricting me from doing so. Or someone...

I looked over and see Sting's arm wrapped around my waist.

"You....aren't...goin....anywhere...." He said in his sleep. He chuckled and pulled me closer.

"I'" He said.

I giggled softly at his sleepy talk.

He kissed the pillow and smiled.

"" He said.

His grip around my waist had softened and I quickly got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey there love. Sleep well?" I heard Rogue ask.

I sighed and turned around.

"I slept nicely. Would you like breakfast?" I asked.

"Oh yes. If you're cooking it I'll gladly eat it." Rogue smirked.

'So if I cooked something with poison in it you'd eat it?' I thought.

"Alright. Just sit and wait for it then." I said and took out some pots and pans.

Rogue then got closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh well can I get an appetizer?" Rogue asked in my ear.

I inhaled and exhaled, and kicked him in the no-no spot.

"You asked for an appetizer." I shrugged.

He groaned and slid into the livingroom.

I continued to make breakfast until another hand snaked around my waist.

"Morning beautiful." I heard Sting's voice say.

"How was your sleep?" I asked.

"It was good. Up until you left. Then it got cold." Sting said.

"Yeah. I heard. You should really consider not talking so loud in your sleep." I chuckled.

" I chuckled

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"Uh...I Uh...I DON'T TALK IN MY SLEEP!" Sting exclaimed.

"Oh I heard you. You were saying 'You aren't goin anywhere' and 'I'm gonna take good care of you' and you kissed the pillow and said 'I love you Y/n'. It was honestly adorable that you'd dream of me and I'm flattered." I said and chuckled.

Sting crossed his arms and stuck his head in the air and pouted.

"I don't believe you." Sting said, his face had a blush on it.

I made everyone's plates and giggled.

"Just admit it!" I said.

He took his plate and Lector's plate and went to the dining room.

"He's so difficult." I sighed and got me and Frosch's plate.

"ROGUE GET YOUR PLATE!!!" I shouted.

Frosch hopped onto the table and sat down as I gave him his plate and utensil, I sat down next to Sting and Rogue sat next to me.

Lector sat on the other side of Sting and Frosch sat on the other side of Rogue.

We all ate silently until Sting finished and rubbed his stomach.

"THAT WAS DELICIOUS!!! COOK AGAIN!! I WANT MORE!!" Sting exclaimed and threw his hands back, grinning widely.

"Nope. I'm only cooking once every week." I said.

"Ah crap..." Sting sighed.

I finished eating and took my plate along with Lector, Frosch, and Sting's plate in the kitchen. Sting was in his room and I start washing the dishes.

Rogue put his plate in the sink and I glared at him.

(Don't you just hate when your washing dishes and someone just puts a plate or something in the sink when you're almost done? Like that's so annoying! And i found a meme about it)

(Don't you just hate when your washing dishes and someone just puts a plate or something in the sink when you're almost done? Like that's so annoying! And i found a meme about it)

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I then continued washing dishes and Rogue put his hand on my stomach.

"Oh I wish you'd just let me take responsibility, instead of pitting this on Sting. You know he doesn't really want this baby. He just says that he does to make you feel better. He is actually madly in love with Yukino. He only said that crappy stuff to you, about how he loves you and how he was sorry, it was all lies. He loves Yukino, and Minerva is his mistress. He's getting ready to go and fuck her today. Right now. As we speak. He's probably heading for the door." Rogue whispered silently into my ear. He pulled away and we both looked towards the door. There we saw Sting, he was heading out of the door. He put his finger over his mouth and shushed Lector. Lector nodded sadly and Sting left the house, silently.

Lector looked at the ground, regret and pity washed over his face.

"That regretful feeling Lector feels, is regret for not telling you that Sting has been cheating on you with Yukino and Minerva. That pity that Lector feels is for you. He pities your heartbreak when you find out. He feels bad for you. Being with a scumbag like Sting. Being lured into his web of lies. You should be more aware. Not even your childhood friend could be trusted. I'm just warning you. You say I'm the monster, but I really just want you to be happy. You should break it off with him now rather than suffer from heartbreak later. It'd be less painful that way." Rogue said and walked away.

I shook my head. There's no way that could be true. Sting would never cheat on me. He'd never say all of those things just to mess with me...would he? No...I can't go and start believing what Rogue says. He's lost my trust anyway. So there is no reason to believe him. I should consider asking Sting instead of jumping to conclusions.

(Something every anime girl should do before thinking their man actually is a cheater)

I sat down on Sting's bed. What am I gonna do now?

Duh...go to the guild and ask Sting for himself.

But what if he questions me? How would I answer?

Explain that Rogue filled my head up with lies.

And...and...what if he is ch-

"No!" I said, cutting my own thoughts off. I requipped into another outfit and hurried out of the house.

"W-wait! Where are you going?!" I heard Lector ask.

I ignored him and ran. I clicked my tongue and requipped into my Light Wing armour and immiediatley appeared in front of the guild hall. That's probably the last time I'll be able to use magic like that until this baby is born...

I bursted through the doors and looked around.

"Where is Sting?!" I shouted.

"In his office." Rufus said.

I quickly ran to his office and kicked his door open. My eyes widened in shock.

I saw....(to be continued)

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