Chapter Eighteen

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(Oooh I love endings. And this just so happens to be it! Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted! Enjoy the last Chapter of Light Love.)

The 3rd week, the week your baby would be on the way, everything was hell. Swords were flying, celestial spirits were running around frantically.

You were breaking Sting and Lector's hands as you pushed and breathed.

Yukino was helping you out and calming you.

"I SEE THE HEAD!!! PUSH Y/N!!! PUUUUUSH!!" Yukino shouted.

You screamed out in pain as you pushed and pushed and breathed.

Suddenly, the cries of a baby were heard and you sighed in relief.

"It's a boy/girl!!" Yukino squealed.

She gave the baby to Sting, and Sting scooted next to you so you could see your child.

"He/She's so cute...." You breathed out.

Sting nodded and sniffled.

"Are you crying?" You asked with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah...he/she looks just like me...I'm so happy." Sting said.

You smiled at Sting and placed your hand on his cheek.

"I am too." You said.

Sting smiled and let you hold your baby.

You looked at his/her blue eyes and his/her h/c colored hair. Sting was right, he/she does look a lot like him.

"What's his/her name?" Yukino asked.

"B/n(baby name)." I answered.

He/she giggled and fell asleep.

"You should go and wash him/her up." I said.

Yukino nodded and softly took B/n

Sting kissed me and smiled.

"This is my dream come true." Sting said.

I nodded and closed my eyes, from exhaustion.

~One year later~

"Sting why did you eat so much?" I asked with a sweatdrop.

"Cause it was so tasty!" Sting said as he wobbled around.

I held in a chuckle as B/n ran around Sting in circles.

Over the year, I collected all 12 of the Japanese Zodiac.

(My phone deleted my fookin pictures, and I can't find my drawings so fook it all)

And B/n's magic is Celestial Dragon Slayer Magic. He/She is a Third Generation and he/she can requip a legendary suit of armour, called Celestial Dragon Armour.

My magic has replenished and now I can use it fully. Ginga had left and traveled the world by herself.

And life is sweet now.

"Hey uh Y/n?" Sting asked.

"Yeah?" I asked and turned around.

I saw Sting on his knees and with a box opened and a diamond ring showed.

"Like I said I'm not too good with romantic stuff, but I know what my heart wants, and it wants you. It wants you to be with me forever. So...will you marry me?" Sting asked.

Tears built up in the corners of my eyes as I smiled.

"Yes. Yes I will!" I said.

He stood up and kissed me passionately as cheers and claps erupted from around us.

"Bbbeee beee guurrr." I heard B/n gurgle.

He/She climbed Sting's leg and drooled on his ear.

Sting chuckled and gave B/n and me a hug.

"I love this family." Sting smiled.

I kissed his cheek and kissed B/n's cheek afterwards and smiled.

"We all do." I said.

And that's my ending. My happy ending.

(No literally. That's an ending. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, and if not then I dunno. Anyways happy days and if you like this story, I suggest reading my other books. You don't have to if you don't want to I'm just sayin. Anyways bye now! 👋)

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