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Morning soon turned into night in the Carrington household. Sighing in annoyance, Valerie plopped herself on her king- sized bed that was situated in the middle of her room.
"I give up", she sighed, "I'm not going". Hearing her distress, Richard causally strolled into her room.
He noticed her looking up at the ceiling, "what's with the long face Val", he questioned – laying down next to her, "don't you have a party to go to".
Valerie looked to her right - staring at Richard, " I have nothing to wear", she stated making Richard laugh sarcastically.
"Valerie, sweetie – you have a closet – a closet that's a walk-in and you still have nothing to wear", he told her while getting off the bed and walking to her closet.
"Here's the deal, I pick something out for you", he said while rummaging through her clothes, "and you let me be your plus one".
She walked over to stand to his left, "Deal".

+ - + - + - + - + - +

"This is the destination", Derek – their driver stated getting off and going to open their door. Richard got off first, followed by Valerie – they both walked into the building, headed to the elevator and headed upstairs to the Waldorf suite. Valerie didn't know why but she was slightly nervous. She quickly texted Serena that she was headed upstairs with her brother. The elevator alerted them that it had reached its destination. The doors opened, and they were hit with a sea of people, people she didn't know. But they were the Carrington's, everyone must have heard about them.

"Valerie", a voice called out to her through the sea of people. Turning to her right, she saw Blair coming towards her to greet her and Richard.
Blair hugged her, "Richard it's good to see you again", Blair spoke, "I'm so glad you two could make it".
Valerie smiled, "thanks for inviting us – Serena told me you mentioned us to join".
Nodding, Blair stated, "enjoy the champagne and hors d'oeuvres – the mascarpone shrimp bites are to die for", she gushed while excusing herself.
Blair left the duo, Richard surveyed the guests and found his target – he leaned in to his sister, "well sis I see a quite dashing fellow over there, don't mind if I do", he said leaving Valerie's side.
"Great", she mumbled to herself. Her eyes situated themselves on the bar; "don't mind if I do".
Grabbing a glass, she hoped that someone she knew would come up and distract her from the stares she was receiving. Sure, her family wasn't a famous family rather they were an infamous family, since their father wasn't a good man to begin with.
"Seems I'm not the only one with their eyes set on you", a voice whispered behind her. Just the sense of their breath on her ear, made her skin tingle.
Valerie turned around and noticed it was him.
"I was hoping for another person to rescue me tonight", Valerie told Chuck.
He was decked out in a light pink striped long sleeve shirt, over that shirt a black vest that accentuated his tie. His hair was swept to the right – not that Valerie was paying attention.
"Valerie", Serena walked up to her and pulled her to the side away from Chuck. They greeted each other for a moment, but that ended quickly, when Valerie noticed an unknown person next to her.
"We haven't meet", he stated extending his hand to Valerie, "I'm Dan Humphrey"
"Valerie Carrington, it's nice to meet you", Valerie said shaking his hand.
Serena blushed, "we actually are heading downstairs really quick if you don't mind".
As she was about to open her mouth, Chuck answered for her, "I'll keep her company – you run along with Humphrey".
Rolling her eyes, Valerie walked to a hallway that lead – she hoped to a bathroom.
Suddenly, the lights went out making the suite pitch black with the candles being the only source of light.
"Everyone, stay calm. I'm sure the power will be back on in a second", Blair yelled to everyone at the party, "It'll be fine".

"Sorry to break it to you, B.; but this party just went over to the dark side"

Valerie somehow made her way to the middle of the room with the help of her flashlight on her phone.
"Blair, what's going on", she asked Blair as she was coming with candles in both her hands.
"It's a citywide blackout, but we have candles", she smiled trying to stay calm herself, "everything's fine"
Valerie placed her hands on Blair's shoulders, "relax, it's going to be okay", Blair nodded taking a deep breath.
"I know it's a blackout, but I need to use the bathroom", Valerie slightly laughed. Blair simply pointed down a dark hallway and walked off to give candles to her guests. Quickly, the youngest Carrington made her way to the hallway – a hallway that had about four doorways. Just great, she thought to herself. She opened the first door – nothing. Second door – nothing. She opened the third door and it wasn't the bathroom, just as she was about to leave the room she heard a voice.
"Turn off your flashlight", the voice seemed oddly British. Richard was fond of his British accent, so she played along with him, she turned off her flashlight and was left in darkness except for the light of the moon that shined into a window.
"Richard, I don't have time for your games", she laughed, "so hurry up".

Suddenly, a pair of arms enclosed her waist turning her around as they placed their lips on hers. This wasn't Richard, she knew that for a fact. The kiss turned steamy, and it wasn't since the air condition wasn't working either. Their hands explored her body, memorizing every dip. Her hands reached to their neck bringing them closer to her, if it was possible. The moment felt like forever, both not noticing that the power was back on or that her brother was standing there in shock.

"Valerie?", her brother called her name.

Opening her eyes, she took sight of the mystery person who seemed to have lit up a thousand fireworks in that very moment.


"Spotted - A Carrington and our favorite Bass locking lips like it's nobody's business during the darkest night in New York City. I'll keep you all posted with the steamy details. xoxo Gossip Girl"  

                                                                   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Gif is what our dear Carrington sibs were wearing btw.

I finally updated!!! YAY!! Sorry for the long wait. Hope you liked this update. It's my longest chapter up to date! Let me know your thoughts!Really appreciate it!xx

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