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After the very fancy meal at Daniels, Valerie and Chuck had made it back to his apartment.

It was quiet, "where's everyone?", she asked plopping down on the sofa.

Chuck followed her lead and sat down beside her, "Lilly is at an event", he started, "so called father is out with some business people, and the siblings I have asked them not to bother us tonight", he said leaning back placing his arm behind her.

Valerie leaned back feeling quite relaxed, something she hadn't felt for some time. Chuck gently placed his fingers on her head, slowly trailing each strand in a comforting manner.

"This feels nice", she voiced while Chuck noticed her eyes were closed enjoying the moment.

He simply nudged her head towards his shoulder, as her body leaned in into his.

"It does, doesn't it", Chuck muttered as his eyes closed as well, as they both dozed off in the middle of the afternoon.

~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~

Opening her eyes, Valerie looked around and noticed she was in Chuck's room. A room she knew too well.

But he wasn't there.

Valerie decided to change into a cream sweater since it was a tad bit cold in the apartment.

After she changed, she grabbed her phone and hovered over the call button.







"You have reached the voicemail of this number, after the tone please leave your message".


"Hi mom... ", she paused, " I read in social media that you are in town", she flopped on the bed, "I was wondering if you want to grab a drink tomorrow night since it's my birthday", she hesitated, " since I probably won't be doing anything this year", her voice somewhat cracked, "I want to catch up with you.... ok bye".

She hung up and sat at the edge of the bed, not knowing that Chuck was outside the room.

"Hey, you're awake", Chuck voiced behind her.

She quickly tried to clean her tears but in an instant Chuck was kneeled in front of her.

She quickly tried to clean her tears but in an instant Chuck was kneeled in front of her

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"Are you okay", he whispered lifting her chin up with his fingers.

He noticed her tear stained face and brought his hand to clean a stray tear that stopped at her cheek.

"I'm fine", she said but he knew she wasn't.

Chuck sighed, "I didn't want to interrupt but I heard your one side conversation".

Valerie looked down to him, "oh".

"and I just wanted to tell you that I know how it feels when a parent doesn't care for you", he paused, " we try to act like it doesn't bother us but inside we are screaming for them to utter one word of affection to us".

Valerie noticed Chuck's change in demeanor, he felt broken too.

She placed both hands around his face, cradling it.

"But you know what helps me to try to forget", she whispered.

Chuck and Valerie looked at each other because they both knew the answer.

At the same time, they both responded, "you".

Both of them met in the middle, as their lips connected.

This time was different.

It wasn't lust driven, but love driven.

They both knew what they were feeling but didn't want to fully commit.

Chuck raised himself from the floor and gently moved Valerie to the middle of his bed.

He treated her like the queen.

His queen.

His only queen.

He moved down to her pants and slowly unbuttoned them and brought them down her legs leaving her in her undergarments.

Chuck wanted to take his time with her, cherish her for what she was.


He then moved to her face and continued to kiss her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks, every space that he could. Moving to her hair, he untied her scrunchie letting her hair cascade and fan out on the pillows.

"I don't know how you still manage to leave me breathless", Chuck uttered.

His hands then moved under her sweater as his hands skidded across her abdomen, suddenly she giggled.

"What's so funny", Chuck inquired.

Valerie brought her hands to cover her face, "your hands are freezing", she chuckled.

In an instant, her sweater was off, and she was in a sitting position in the middle of the bed.

Chuck roamed his hands from her thighs to her back and into her hair, making her moan.

Suddenly, she was nudged onto the bed once more as she noticed Chuck move off to the end of the bed – his hands moving to his belt.

Valerie was vulnerable there in the middle of the bed, sure she's done this several times, but it felt different.

She felt like a teenager, her heart pounding inside her chest, her breathing labored.

The ceiling looked quite nice, she thought to herself in hopes to somewhat distract everything around her.

A pair of hands suddenly grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards the end of the bed to meet an awaiting Chuck – who happened to be only in his boxers.

"You know I could have helped you with that?", Valerie told him making him chuckle.

Valerie raised her eyebrows, "I know but tonight is all about you".

Without hesitation, Chuck moved his hands towards the edge of her underwear and brought it down her very tanned legs.

Legs a goddess would envy to have.

He then proceeded to throw said underwear across the room and turned his attention back to his queen.


~~~~ _ ~~~~


Is it hot in here? or is it just me???
The following chapter will be mature too i think so yeah.

Anywho, this update has been long awaited.

I know but nursing school is no joke.

Bare with me and the updates.




I LOVE YOU, 3000.




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