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Chuck led Valerie into the mass of people, but never once let her go. After it calmed down, she spoke. "Thanks for doing that, Serena told me she had it fixed", she moved a little from him, "but I guess she didn't". 

Chuck smirked, "it's the least I can do, you owe me now".
"Chuck", a voice greeted him from behind her. Chuck slightly moved passed Valerie and greeted his guy. A very handsome guy to be exact – a handsome guy who was with Serena.
"Val", Serena smiled.

"Nathanial, this is Valerie", he motioned for her placing his hand on the small of her back, "Valerie, this is Nathanial".
Nate and Valerie shook hands in a greeting like manner.
"Val, wanna get a drink", Serena questioned pulling her from Chuck's hand and to the bar.
"What type of Vitamin Water would you like?", the bartender inquired.

"Kiwi-Strawberry please", Serena answered. "Make that two", Valerie stated.
"You didn't tell me you knew Chuck", Serena criticized.
The bartender gave them their drinks, "it was unexpected", she explained, "we met yesterday after his whole Blair dumping him deal".
"You didn't sleep with him, did you?", she exclaimed a little bit too loudly the bartender slightly turned his head.
"What no", she quickly answered.

"S-", a girl's voice startled Serena making her turn to her right.
"Blair", Serena smiled greeting her friend.
Valerie extended her hand to Blair, "I'm Val-".
"Carrington", Blair smiled, "Valerie to be exact, am I right?".
Valerie returned the smile, "That's me. News travels fast huh?".
"James is around her somewhere, I was going to introduce you to him", Blair said looking around the room but didn't see him.
"You came with Nate right?", Blair asked. Serena nodded.
She then turned to Valerie, "who did you come with Valerie?".
Valerie opened her mouth, but before any audible word came out; a voice belonging to Chuck spoke behind her.
"She came with me".

Chuck didn't know when not to butt in.
Blair raised her eyebrows, "Really?".
Valerie to be honest, at first wanted to be Chuck's prop to make Blair jealous, but now she didn't know so much.
"Well, I'm going to look for James, if you'll excuse me", Blair stated, "it was nice to meet you Valerie. Hope to see you soon".
Valerie grinned, "same goes to you".
She looked around and noticed Nate and Serena had left the group, and that left Chuck and herself.
"Look the whole 'let's make Blair jealous', I –", she started but Chuck interrupted her.
He looked at her, "I'm not into that anymore. Believe it or not I wanted to get to know you", he smirked.

Valerie knew of his kind, the kind that seduced girls just for the fun of it and then drop them like they were nothing. She always seemed to be a magnet for those types of guys.
"I'm not one of your playthings Chuckie", she sneered patting his chest and living him to his thoughts.

"Gossip Girl here, it seemed at first Chuck was Valerie's white and shining armor suited guy -- but it seems he's left by himself and his thoughts. What happened Val? Can't handle the Bass style?"

Chapter 4, let me know your thoughts!

Should I stop?

Should I continue?

Take care.


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