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I wrinkled my face when the incisive smell of cigarettes pierced up my nose. "Err.. sorry" I mutter as I coughed a little in hope the smell would fade slightly as my eyes are still attached to the broad chest in front of me.

Whoever is in front of me, apparently was a guy considered of the smell with the such muscular, tall and hefty body. But, I was too late to checking up who he was. So I turned on my heel and strode over aimlessly.

Finally, I breath a sigh of relief once I have found the class I was looking for. History class.

The sound of clatter was clearly heard from where I was standing. I walked forward and stood at the entrance nervously.

"Why did you come late?"

I startled when the a tall, fairly young woman with red-haired messy bun style already looking through me with withering look flashed on her face. She gestured me over to get in and I did as she told.

I gave her apologetic smile "I'm sorry. I was looking for the class" I answered her. The corners of her eyes crinkled a little as she nodded. So I set my eyes on the floor.

I just hope she doesn't make me intro...

"Alright. Guys, we got a new friend today. Let's hear him out. So keep quiet. John! Where are you supposed to sit?"

I heard the sounds of people grumbles something followed by the sound of the chair a moment before atmosphere in the classroom becomes dead silent.

I could hear my own heartbeat. My heart pounded loud and my hand began to feel clammy when I could feel many eyes are watching me.

I can do this. Once I complete with the introduction they wouldn't care about my existance. Hopefully, because I hope they won't approach me nor take notice of me after this.

I exhaled and raised my head and throw a glances at the wall behind the class. I was right, from the corner of my eyes I can see they are looking, judging me. I do wish to create friendship that could last a lifetime.. but..I would never get even one.

"My name is Aden Walker.."

I hear someone snicker, interrupted me.

"John" say the teacher with a warning tone. "Aden"

I turned my head, looked at her. Her mouth curved into a smile as she made a gesture with her hand.

I nod and proceed with the introduction. "My father's name is Jonathan Samule. We are from Chicago"

"What is your mom's name? Your grandfather? Grandmother?"

The same voice rang up throughout the class and everyone was laughing. This John person has created an awkward situasion for me. It wasn't even funny. Honestly it was stupid. 

"John do you have something to say?" The teacher snapped. At least she is the same boat as me on this. But then, he'd probably genuine asking to get to know me better. I don't know? Is it bad to be too sensitive? I've been bullied before. The awful experience caused me to be sort of stuck in the memories.

I cleared my throat discreetly and continue. But this time I set my eyes on the floor back "I'm an orphan"

There, the class became completely silent once I said that. "My father took me from the foster care. That's all"

I quickly glanced around and met a playful mocking gaze right at the back of the class. I don't have to think hard because in the way he examined me, he was John.

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