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(Aden POV)

"You're such disobedient pup! Fucking stubborn. What the fuck is wrong with you huh?"

I flinch and instantly looked down stiffened whilst twirling my thumbs nervously when the principal's irate voice had been exploded through the room. This sort of atmosphere is so bad for my poor heart. Even though I knew that tone hadn't directed at Obby and me, I feel uncomfortable to stand a same room with them.

I pursed my lips when the principal hadn't stop at that but instead keep yelling as he was uttering verses of anger.

As for Obby, I feel bad for him. He had gotten hated for something he hadn't done. We were mostly had to participate along with Xander to get into principal's room. We were standing with Xander huge body is between us, facing the very angry older man. Geez.. Xander really needs to get done some check-up for his temper.

I peeked over to principal, whose name is Mr Alexic and I frowned when noticed his blue eyes glowing as he narrowing his eyes at Xander's. Weird. Nevertheless, I took this as opportunity to observe him. He was very tall. Taller than three of us. He was well build as well. I could see the muscles bulging through his dark blue suit especially when he is sitting on his leather chair, with muscle arms crossing over his chest that making it hard not to notice. Oh.. I liked his hair. He had blonde and very long hair that he styled it in ponytail which is so suitable for him and honestly, he looked like some God instead of principal. At least for me.

From the corner of my eyes I saw how Xander had been crossed his arms whilst his eyes traveled around the room as if what the principal was saying hadn't have any effect on him. I shook my head in annoyance.

"As for you Obby. I sincerely apologize on his behalf"

A frown appeared on my face. I hadn't look up but my mind was scattered in wonder as to why does the powerful principal feel the need to apologize for such a troubled student.

"It's not a big deal sir"

Obby response with a firm, detest tone. I frowned at the tone he was using at so I lean back and looked over through Xander's broad shoulder to see what he was up to but apparently I had a confusion expression spread over my face just by looking at his blank look that filled with hatred. A grim shadow crossed his face but quickly, he has mask it by putting a forced smile on his face. I was struck dumb for a while. However, when I was done and couldn't figure out, I stood still in my previous state as before with my mind was still on Obby's. There is something fishy about his bleak expression.

A few moments later, the principal rose from his seat with a warm smile on his face as he nodding at Obby's. He stretched out his hand toward the door, obviously he was gesturing to the younger guy that everything has been resolved and it was the time to him to leaving. But wait a minute. How about me? The principal barely looked at me the moment I steps inside, as if I weren't exist at all.

But why?

Did I do something wrong? Does he think that I was someone who isn't worth to look at?

I breathed out and gasps as I look over at Xander in shock when his solid hand was on my arm, his eyes trained on me with a soft growl resonated trough his chest, and face full of concern but.... NO.

It wasn't something that has shocked me. What really shocking me was when some weird electric current/sparks had been1 run through all over my body just a second his hand landed on mine.

I shoot daggers at Xander's face. Did he feel that too? Or is this just me. Perhaps I was mistaken. I didn't feel these way before even though we were so close. Strangely enough, his face was glows with satisfaction as he smirked knowingly at me. But what he is satisfied about, I have no idea.

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