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(Xander POV)

Damn. Why does farting feel so good right now? I thought as I walked stiffly with my little mouse was on my side.

Our journey to my brother's house seemed to be going well except I was about to releasing this noxious gas that is been accumulating, putting pressure in my digestive organs.

"Where exactly are we?" My mate asked in a sweet voice, cutting off my sweet thought.

I smiled. "We're almost there. Don't worry" I convinced when I could sense his discomfort. He must have been so scared and confused since we were surround of thick forest. However, the path we were using was being illuminated by the old lamps that had been hung between the trees so we could clearly see almost everything ahead of us. At least for me.

By now I could take advantage of our current situation but I've decided against it. Even though my hand was so itchy to tap my mate's tasty bum, I couldn't simply ignore his feelings. My mate isn't feeling well and it should be noted.

"Welcome home brain" Xys was mocking me.

"Shut the fuck up!" I growled, finding myself irritated by his stupid remark.

"Please stop growling Xander. You seem to do that all the time" My mate sighs as he elbowed me.

With a smirk, I moved closer and threw my arm around my mate slim waist, pulling his body against mine. My mate let out shuddering breath as a blush heated his cheeks when I snuggling up against him. That makes me feel proud of myself. See? I was a charmer. Feeling naughty, I stared down at him then kissed the side of his head and cheeks as I hugged him tightly.

Damn! Now my cock is hard. I was so tempted to press my hard cock into my little mouse sweet bum. Mine wasn't small and I know I'll stretch him to his limit..he..he..he..

"I thought you just said you wanna to prioritize our mate's feelings" Xys snorted.

I roll my eyes as I adjust my hard on by let it hang down. "A simple kiss won't hurt. Shu.." Opss.. I didn't mean to said it out loud. This is my wolf's fault.

Xys snorted again. "We both know it's not about a kiss you stupid idiot"

"Well yeah, but asking for permission doesn't hurt either" my mate huffed and pouted.

"Sorry babe" I said as I kiss his cheeks. "Shut up prick" I said to my stupid wolf.

"Shut up prick" he mocked me before cut me off.

That stupid shit, I wonder how come he's been part of me. Deciding to ignore him, I looked down. My mate was still blushes at the pet name. He looks angry but his eyes were beaming so I know he likes it. I felt a smile creeping across my face. I felt so free and contented when I'm so close to my mate. Nobody ever seen this side of me. I literally hate everything. The only thing I'd tolerant is free food.

Xys laughed. "Whipped"

"Shut the fuck motherf.."


I decided to ignore that stupid wolf when the smell of pack member invading my nose. So annoying. The thought of everyone stares come to our way made my blood boiled. For sure, they would judge among themselves before spread around for gossiping. These kind of part time job has never been my favorites and is the main reason I avoid interacting with all my heart. Yet they were wonder why I had a such temper.

My mate was human so he being here would attract more attention than usual and this is something I wanna to avoid at all cost but at the same time I don't. Simply because I want my mate to get along with them.

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