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(Aden POV)

We walked further towards the door that I walk in before. Once were were outside he wasted no time punches me in the face. It was too fast that I didn't feel anything but just started getting dizzy and hella confused. I didn't get any chance to look around for help when I was pushed onto the ground. My field of vision greyed out for a while then I see blank. Later on, my face started to throb especially my nose. In all seriousness, it hurts so much I feel like crying. I've never been hit in the face before. 

I sat on the ground shaking and heaving because I was so terrified I didn't know what to do. Johnny just pushes me and I was struggling to understand his perspective. What did I do wrong?

An angry growl ripped through his throat as he glared down "You son of bitch. You and him! He thought he was cool for fucking touching me. I'm gonna beat you up as how he did to me" he raged.

I frowned at his harsh words. I opened my mouth to argue as I have no idea what was happening but he cuts me off with warning growl.

I blinked my eyes blearily. I felt helpless against his much larger body. I whimpered when the pain spread from my face to my body. Groaning, I pushed myself up to my knees but fell backward when Johnny pushed me with his feet.

"I want to go home" I plead. Right now, I don't care if Xander doesn't showing up until 2030. I don't care anymore as I just want to go home.

Johnny smirked darkly. "This is your home now, human boy. You can be my slave and.."

"Is that him??" A woman's voice invaded. A woman appeared and she was the one that crying inside.

"Yeah mom" Johnny answered without taking off his eyes of me. I pursed my lips nervously when Johnny's 'mom' shot her eyes toward me as if I had done something terrible.

"A human boy?" She scoffed in disgust as she placed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. Now we were close, she look old with disheveled looking.

A human boy?? Why did Johnny calling me human boy?

"E-excuse me. I don't know.."

"Don't look so down. You look like you're about to cry" Johnny feigns cooed as he smiled down at me but his smile is evil, scary and and and ugly! So ugly makes grass wither and die or leaves fall off trees.

I shook my head and he smile grew, displaying his teeth. Suddenly, Johnny's mom hauls off and slaps me across the face then grabbed me by the hair, yanked my hair down and started punching me with all her had as dusty ground below me seemed to spin into an incomprehensible blur.

So yeah, she hit me.

"St-stop! It's hurt!"

I have always hate I'm such a weak creature who couldn't even defend himself up. But this is too much. I could barely breath when she hit me in the back of the head. My head was throbbing painfully from an unexpected vicious assault. 

I looked over at Johnny who was laugh hysterically with tears pouring down his cheeks as he was watching some comedian show. The whole time he's just laughing. Turning my head over, I saw a man around the corner, bent over and laughing too.

These type of people....

Let them laugh. Hopefully their heads will roll.


(Xander POV)

"What the hell Xander? What have you done??" Brow yells. There was a slight scowl on his face.

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