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(Aden POV)


My head snap toward the voice and I was greeted by tall, muscular and dark skin guy whose I don't recognize as soon as I arrived at my locker all alone. His hazel eyes pinning me with a warm smile worked its way across his face.

"Aden Walker, isn't?"

His approach has created confusion through me but nonetheless, I nodded my head at his simply question.

"Sorry if I was startling you. My name is Obby Dolves" he reached out his hand and take mine and I cringed when he placed a kiss to my knuckles.

His unexpected behaviour had threw me into total confusion. Quickly, I removed my hand and I was waiting for him to... to say his real intention as to why he was approaching me. Not that I don't appreciate it, mostly because I was surprised.

I scratch my neck awkwardly when he say nothing afterwards.

"I.." he pursed his lips and sucked in his breath. Somehow he looks so awry and nervous.

"Was there something I can do for you with?" I started curiously

The tall guy looking at his feet before he looked up at me. "I hope you will accept my sincere apologize. I apologize for the behaviour of my twin sister, Xena Dolves. I don't know what got into her"

I was dumbstruck at the news. So that fierce girl from before has a twins?

I was speechless, too shocked to reply. Actually they aren't first fraternal twins I've ever met but I was bit startled in the way they have approached me. When the girl had approaches me with such murderous aura, her twin brother did the opposite, made me wonder what he was thinking about me and besides, apart from their sex (of course) and their eyes, the twins looked nothing alike.

"Oh, she is your sister?" I said that and punched the digit to open my locker. What am I thinking about? Obviously they were fraternal twins after all.

I grab my book for my next lesson and put it into my backpack.

"You have skipped the class aren't you?"

I had been startled but nodding my head, not bothering to deny it though I was nervous inside since I've been caughted by him. I wondered if the class teacher took notice too. Hopefully not.

"Well.." he cracked his knuckles dramatically with a smile on his face as his eyes trained on me for a moment then he pulled out a thick sheet from his bag and handed it over to me.

"Eh..why t-thank you" I thank him after realizing what he has done. I was so grateful when he had provided me all the subjects that I had missed.

"Sure. You may not know this but we were always in the same class" he told me, blushing slightly.

I was about to open my mouth to ask him if he was interested in walking with me to the next class but the sound of an animal growling has cutting me off. Startled both of us.

(Xander POV)

I flush the toilet with my foot and watched my shit in awe when they spinned then disappear. I steps out and went to wash my hand and wiping it by using paper rolls.

What the actual fuck. I didn't even eat eggs today but my shit smelled like rotten eggs. Ergh... whatever.

Now, now, now where is my little mate? I though I make it pretty clear when I asked him to wait for me.

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