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What the hell is going on here? Why is he here?? I thought fretfully when those eyes bore into mine intently.

Currently, I was in the middle of third lesson, economy class with him, the bad boy who was sitting next to me. It would have been better if he sits somewhere else instead. But I'm neither an idiot. I know what he was going after. He is gonna slaughter me since I was practically running away.

For sure.

I dont know what is going through his head but he has made it pretty obvious with the way he looked daggers at me. As if I was some remiss prey.

I took a deep breath to refrain myself from snapping at him. I hope he coulmd read the sign that clearly written on my face that I want nothing to do with him. With a bad boy.

I looked over my shoulder and frowned. Why did him sitting here for? I thought I have been good at avoiding. You see, he was there during the first lesson by sat in front of me and he was there also in the second lesson even though he was far away by sitting behind the classroom from where I was sitting. But now? A shiver ran down my spine whenever him, the bad boy's broad shoulder brushing against mine.

"Cut it off!" He snapped as my heart jumped at his authoritative tone in my ear. I watched as his face go red with rage.

As if I had done something that made him pissed. But he was a bad boy. Bad guy like him j.......

"What were you thinking of? That I am a bad guy isn't?" He said in deep voice as he leaning over to me.

I gulped as I staring at our prof, Mr Liam who was overly excited about something that he didn't notice us. He rambled on and on totally ignoring the students if they even understand his explanation.

"I have been deeply attracted to you"

"You are here"

"You were so close to me and you scent? Your scent was so intoxicating made me feel like I was on highest dosage of drug"

"Never feel blessed as it is now when you're here"

I'm not sure either I was going numb or I was just hallucinating that had him talk to himself.

My eyes widened as I looked at his face. His unique eyes were probing, examining me as he was waiting for reaction from me.

So, I was not hallucinating? He was actually talking to me and for some unknown reason, something tugged at my heart when those eyes were staring with such vengeancely.


Did I really smell like what he meant? Or did I inadvertently switch my deodorants?

"I have to physically restrain myself from taking a bite out of you"

My brows furrowed. Huh! Here he goes, talking nonsense again. 💢💢

I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear him. Yes, that's it. I concentrate on the lesson as I ignore the bad boy's sharp gaze on me.

"I want to eat you"

Lalalala....lalalala.... I can't hear anything. I don't understand anything. Lalalala...
When he doesn't speak afterward, I breathe a sigh of relief as I sneered internally. Apparently he understands that I didn't want to be entertained by him. By his ridiculously. So I could focus on the lesson. Geez... thanks god.

As I was busy copying the important notes that was given by Mr Liam that I lost in my own world, I was startled when I feel something on my thights.

I groaned internally when I heard him, a bad boy inhale deeply. So it was him huh. He pulled himself closer to me as he yanked my thighs to separate them. When I felt one of his large hand slide under my shirt and makes its own way up to my nipples area, I snapped.

Sorry for the mistakes...

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