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Why can't he just leave me alone? If I was hundred percent innocent, I must have thought that he is into me. But that was so unreasonable. He wasn't interested but just simply stringing me along for entertainment.

A string of thoughts run through my head.

"I-I'm not a toy you can just pick up" I blurted out what was on my mind. I don't know where I got the idea from and don't really care though.

A deep furrow appeared between his brows. "Did I ever said you were one??"

I flinched when he leaning in further -eye to eye, nose to nose studying my face and I couldn't help but to feel intimidated by him. My palms were sweats and seemed to remain no mather how much I tried to wipe them with my shirt.

I bit my lips as I stared wide-eyed at his face then at the empty hall. Just where are the others when I need them?


"Aren't you eating?"

I was startled to hear Pop's voice. Pop was sitting on the couch across from me. We were currently having dinner in living room whilst watching tv. Our new house is a bit cramped, includes the kitchen, bathroom and our bedroom so the only spacious place in this house was the living room.

I shook my head and put a plate of fried noodles that had been cooked by Pop this morning for breakfast on my lap.

"I-Im f-full" I simply stated then internally smacked myself for stuttering. I cleared my throat and tilt my head up. Pop was looking at me with concern and curiously on his face.

"How was school?" Asked Pop whilst looked at me with a frown. He was worried. I have made Pop worried.

"School was fine. Everyone was good"

Pop leant back against the couch. His anxieties was remained on his face. "Wanna me to meet the principal?"

"No Pop. I Promise everything is alright" I assured him. I have been worried him more than I should have. He shouldn't looking after me all the time. I was old enough. I was the one supposed to looking after him.

"If you say so but if anything comes up, just let me know" Pop spoke. His voice sounded bother though he tried to cover it.

"I have done my best Pop. I just got nervous for no reason" I forced a smile and quickly plugged the noodles and shoved it into my mouth. I tent to eat quickly and rushed to my bedroom.

"I thought you were full"

"Opssss...." was my only response whilst grinned. Pop shook his head with a amusement smile spread over his face.

Pop has already been on his bedroom when I'm done brush my teeth.

"Good night Pop!" I shouted as I passed his room. Our bedroom is next to each other whilst the bathroom is next to the kitchen. Still, I was so satisfied with our new one storey house. As long as I got my own bedroom, I could eat, study and do whatever I want, it was more than fine.

"Night kid!" Shouted Pop when I had been in my bedroom.

Once I was done wearing my old-printed long pyjamas, I lay down on my narrow and messy bed with a "hmmm".

I have been in my personal heaven.

My bed.

But for some reason, it seems my brain refuses to function properly. I was sleepy but couldn't close my eyes. A lot of thoughts ran through my head.

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