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When I open the door, everything clicked and my eyes widened. Standing there before me is none other than him, Mr bad boy, Xander.

It took a while for me to comprehend as to why and what he was doing here and how could he get to know where I live.

Nevertheless, Instead of greeting me like a normal people do, he let out a small growl emitting from his throat as he bared his teeth at me in the manner of an angry dog.

What the!!

I felt my stomach drop when I was greeted by Mr bad boy. His tall, muscular and larger body hover my small frame like a ghost. He appeared with a tight face and messy hair. His eyes was glowing madly and his  appearance was all but crumpled up like a raggerys.

What a good bad boy is he! @_@

"Well, hello to you too" my voice was dripping with sarcasm. At this point, I could care less if he's gonna to slaughter me.

Annoyance flashed briefly in his eyes. Wow. Not only did his sudden presence is mystical but his attitude was all wrong. Well, what I was expecting from him.

I let out a scream that was not so manly when without any warning, he reached his hand out and placed his arm around my small waist, pulling me to him.

"Auch!" I groaned when his other hand pulled my hair to exposed my neck. My eyes widened and my body were frozen when he sniffed my face then resting his head in the crook of my neck as it was the most ordinary thing to do, to a complete stranger like me. Moreover, the way he acted was so nonchalant making me feel dizzy, my heart fluttered nervously as my head pounded and with his breath stirring my hair that sending chills down my spine.

Honestly, this is the most awkward situation I have ever experienced because I have never been in the arms of any man like this before, except it was Pop's and apparently the only intimate time I had been before was with my bed. That is all.

I jump a bit in surprise when he suddenly gently nuzzled my neck as tiny buzz of satisfaction purr was audible from its throat. Purr?? However, for some reason my stomach was doing a strange quavely that was making me feel quite composure.

What is wrong with me now?

"Well, seems like the main character is finally here"

Brow's spoke. I could feel of his presence, as he standing behind me. He sounded forced and nervous at the same time. My brows furrowing at the tone.

The bad guy who was still has me in his embrace, let out a growl of fury as he was pressed me close against his hard chest. My body are in tingle as if it has been put through a vigorous exersice with how hard was his grip on me.

I tried to wiggle to turn around but too bad, he didn't even notice I was struggling to get free. As if I wasn't making an effort.

But obviously I wasn't the only one with the problems here when a little whimpers started to come out of Brow's mouth.

"Fucking retard!" Xander's snarled wrathily make me jump on my feet.

What was his deal?

"Co-come on, let's get in. We would discuss it later" Brow's promised and sounded sophisticated in my ear.

Gradually, the bad boy's temper had faded away and he was breathing deeply in an effort to calm down. Still, he refuse to let me off. Geez...

I tucked a stray hair behind my ear as I feel the burning of sensation when Xander's body were glued to mine like a second skin when we were sitting next to each other on the couch. He literally gripped my body and pulled me towards him. I could feel his muscles beneath his jacket. I flinch slightly when his hands moved to slipped in my shirt, to feel my bare skin.

I moved my arms to pushed him a little since whenever I tried to jump off his arms, he would pulled me back forcefully with a warning growled in my ear huskily.

Just great.

I gave brow a pleading look, silently asking him to save me from his insane friend but what he did just shaking his head, backed away.

"So, care to explain why does my mate having the smell of your cum throughout his body?" Xander finally said. His tone was hard, deep and steady, captures all the emotion laced in the tone whilst his fingeres started to massaging my back.

I chewed my lips watching Brow's expression. He looked as he had swallowed chalk into his throat. He gulped and this time, he is looking at me as if he is asking for help.

I shook my head, imitating his actions.

I groaned internally as I glance over to look at the time. Pop would be home within 2 hours from now.

Just what have I got myself into?

Especially when they have forgotten that this is my house and I was the host.

Sorry for the mistakes...

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