Class 78 Halloween Costumes! (Mod Kokichi)

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Makoto Naegi would go as Red from Pokemon. It's a pretty simple design, and he would carry around a few plushies as his "team." With some Pokéballs attached to his belt and a cute yellow backpack, he would be super duper cute.

Aoi Asahina would go as Ariel from The Little Mermaid. While, sure, it's from a disney movie and it seems a little too on the nose considering she's a swimmer, she would hands down love all the little children coming up to her because she's a princess! She would also carry a fork around with her that occasionally gets combed through her hair.

Byakuya Togami, while opposed to dressing up at first, finally gives in to be Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series. He pulls off the look, cravat and all. He won't admit it, but he does have quite a bit of fun yelling objection whenever Naegi says something he doesn't quite agree with.

Celestia Ludenberg, not wanting to give up her gothic lolita fashion but is still forced to dress up, would be Lady Arachne from Soul Eater. The getup is all black, and she'd even go the extra mile by getting contacts with a spider web pattern in them. Yamada would probably be drooling all over her the entire event, though.

Chihiro Fujisaki would be Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club. Everyone is impressed at how well he pulls off the look, and he even makes poems in the style of Natsuki that he holds onto the entire time. However, whenever anyone tries to talk to him, he has a bit of a hard time being in character. He might say something slightly mean, but then would apologize profusely, making sure the person knew he didn't mean what he said.

Hifumi Yamada would be Dr. Eggman from the Sonic franchise. He makes sure to even make a replica of the eggmobile that the villain fights in quite a bit. He would purposefully bump into everyone, throwing paper mache rings every time. At one point, Celestia takes the remaining ones from him and burns them.

Junko Enoshima would probably go for something a little easier, like a risqué cat costume that is leaves little to the imagination. She also takes the time to file her nails so they look something akin to cat claws. The entire time she's at the party, she tries to murder her sister, with no luck.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru would go as a Jedi from the Star Wars franchise. He wanted to be something that was a little more relevant in pop culture, but based off his lack of knowledge on that, he asked for help from Fujiaki and Oowada. They outfitted him as best as they could, and even got him a nice blue lightsaber that made noises whenever you moved it around. Ishimaru loved it despite not knowing much about Star Wars, and had a great time being part of the force.

Kyouko Kirigiri... as Raven from Teen Titans. Her aloof nature already makes it a good idea, and she would, admittedly, feel pretty cool in a cloak. She'd also carry a book around with her, and occasionally take off her hood. Makoto thinks that she looks great, and probably gives her constant compliments on the outfit.

Leon Kuwata would go as Bowser from the Mario franchise. Somehow completely oblivious to the Bowsette pictures going around the internet, he would think that being such a cool looking villain would give him lots of attention. He doesn't expect people making remarks about getting a power crown, but just takes it as though it would show just how big and bad of a villain he is!

Mukuro Ikusaba would be Vera Oberlin from Monster Prom. She's used to kind of revealing get ups, and her serious personality makes Vera a perfect fit. She gets some help from Chihiro making a wig of fake snakes that could move around if she pressed a button. Everyone was a bit intimidated by it, but she still received some compliments about how intricate and spot on she looked.

Sakura Oogami would dress up as Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise. She already looks the part with her muscular stature, and she's kind like the saiyan himself. The hardest part was getting her hair to go up as if she were going super saiyan, but got some help from Asahina with the get up. When someone eventually makes a joke about collecting the dragon balls, she would pull a few of them out, claiming she's well on her way to having them all.

Sayaka Maizono as Hatsune Miku would be really cute! It fits with her bacground as a singer, and she's probably been acquainted with crazy outfits while performing. With some magic from our programmer, she would probably have the headset she wears with it so that it autotunes everything she says. Oh, and she most definitely has to perform at least *one* of Miku's popular songs!

Touko Fukawa, getting wind of her white knight's costume, decided that she should go with something matching and went as Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney: Investigations. She grumbles for quite awhile about how hard it is to replicate the hairdo, pointing out the key, but she eventually gets it. She tries taking off her glasses for the costume, but ends up having problems not bumping into just about everything possible.

Yasuhiro Hagakure would go as the classic sheet ghost, eye holes and all. Unfortunately, he doens't really think about the fact that his hair would make it impossible for just about any regular sheet to go over him without problem. When he walks in to greet everyone, it's completely obvious because the sheet is awkwardly draping just below his waist, the top of it being haphazardly clung to by his raggedy hair. He still thinks that no one knows who he is, though.

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