Mystery Dungeon AU Part 1 (Mod Kirigiri)

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They'd done it.

They'd finally done it.

Junko's plan, her desire to spread despair by using the Ultra Beasts, to blanket their world in everlasting and unending despair, they'd stopped it.
They won.

....Except that wasn't all true, now was it? Because it wasn't their world they'd saved. It was just hers. He wasn't a part of it, not really. He was just a visitor.

And his passport had already expired.

Makoto swallowed thickly as he walked next to Kyouko. The action wasn't anything new, they'd walked in synch like this many times in the past. So many cases they'd solved together, so many outlaws they caught together, they all ended like this, quietly walking side-by-side back home. But something about it felt... different, this time. A heavy silence had hung between the two of them ever since they began their trek back. He gave a quick glance towards the Espeon in question.
Her face was impassive and stoic as ever. Her gaze was pointed forward, and if she noticed him looking at her, she was pointedly ignoring it. He sighed and looked away again.

They both knew what was coming next..

Had it been anyone else in the Detective's Society, even one of the more perceptive ones like Byakuya (ignoring the fact that he probably wouldn't care, of course), he probably could've hidden his coming fate. But this was Kyouko he was dealing with. She'd seen through his lies about his nightmares, knowing all the right questions to ask, and the one time he'd actually held his ground and withheld information kept from her, well... it'd been an awkward few days on missions to say the least.
She could read him like an open book since the day they met. There was no way he could've hidden a secret like that. Almost immediately after he'd discovered what was going to happen after they stopped Junko (it was never a matter of 'if' in his mind), she'd seemed to have caught on. How she did so, he'd probably never know—just another skill courtesy of her upbringing, he supposed—but he was oddly ok with it. It was better than having to tell her himself.

Now it was just a matter time.

However, they'd never outright discussed the fact of his approaching disappearance. Any time the topic could've been brought up, she'd found some excuse or reason to brush the conversation off. She'd find a way to push it off, citing the mission ahead of them being a more important fact to deal with. Even now, with the hour approaching, she hadn't spoken a word about it. She hadn't spoke at all, really.

Makoto found the behavior rather... peculiar.

Kyouko always liked having a plan. She charged forward in everything she did, whether it was difficult cases from the Detective's Society or just general unpleasant conversations that were necessary to have in her line of work. Her pursuit to solve mysteries and find the truth of a matter was unparalleled and unrivaled. She wasn't one to hesitate. Never did the two of them head into a situation that she hadn't thought ahead for.  At least, until now, that is.

So, for her to be putting off such an important conversation...

"Could it be... that she doesn't want to face this particular truth?" He frowned at the thought. He spared another glance towards her.

He really wished he could see her face more clearly. He was far from amazing at reading her emotions, she hid them so well after all, but the key to the basic understanding he'd managed to get over their time together was looking in her eyes. She dropped her guard just the tiniest amount when it was just the two of them, and that was how it showed. But it didn't help him at all if she was so far ahead of him.


"When did I slow down? Weren't we just even...?" He felt it then. He had been so caught up in his worries about Kyouko, he hadn't noticed just how numb and heavy his limbs were beginning to feel. Each step was becoming more and more difficult to take. His limbs felt like they were tied down by sand bags that were progressively getting heavier.
"Hrngh-!" He let out a whine as a rush of dizziness came over him. He couldn't see straight, the world was spinning around him too much. He forced himself to sit down before he could fall over, but even then the world wouldn't stop moving. He let out another grunt as he lifted a paw to his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

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