Toukomaru songfic! (Mod Kokichi)

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Touko sat in the apartment she had begun sharing with Komaru months beforehand, sipping a cup of tea and hovering over a manuscript she had been trying to write. However, too many thoughts seemed to be barraging her. She remembered how indifferent her White Knight looked when she said that she would rather stay with Komaru. It hurt to think of how he seemed to have no qualms with her plans, but it wasn't like she was going to back down from what she said.

As she tapped her pen on the desk slightly to try and bring her attention back, she grew irritated with it. Ever since she had moved in with the other girl, she couldn't spend more than five minutes at a time writing before thoughts of her slowly crept back. God, she wasn't sure what she could even do about it. She slammed her pen to the table before letting her head hit the desk as she groaned.

Komaru Naegi was someone that Fukawa wasn't sure could make it on her own. Sure, she had grown as a person since she had met her on top of that roof surrounded by Monokumas. She resembled a lost puppy, her tail tucked between her legs as she followed around Fukawa blindly. It was almost cute the way Komaru depended on her entirely, using her as emotional support. It took awhile for her to realize that she didn't need to depend on Fukawa the way she had been doing, but decided that relying on the bookworm would be a much better idea. Fukawa could almost pinpoint the exact moment Komaru realized that she had power and could be confident.

To Fukawa, she was like a daisy in between the cracks of a sidewalk that miraculously had avoided being trampled on. A little bit of beauty surrounded by towering threats that seemed almost imminent, yet... she had survived. When Komaru told her how she was locked in the same apartment for two years, Fukawa could only listen in awe as she continued to explain her daily routine with a nonchalant voice. She wished that she could capture the serenity Komaru had when she realized that Fukawa had really been listening to her the entire time.

How would Fukawa ever be able to explain the way she was feeling? How could she even think to get across the idea that Komaru was more than a coward-turned-courageous stereotype? She wasn't sure, and she picked her head up from the table. The other girl had been gone from the apartment all day, doing her best to help rebuild the city from the ground up. She had so much time to herself, yet she couldn't think of a way.

Until, that is, an idea popped into her head.

I take my notebook, and tear the pages out to write down my thoughts in a message.

Fukawa hastily picked up her pen and grabbed one of the pieces of paper she had prepared for writing in a spiral of hers. In one swift movement, she gracefully tore it out without it ripping in an odd fashion. She planted it down onto the table and brought her pen down onto it. She knew that Komaru was into cheesy, romantic things, so she decided to try her hand at something right up her alley.

How I encrypt every line...

Fukawa sat there, trying to plot out just the right words to get the feelings she had across. She hesitated and spoke aloud to herself, trying to get a feel for it. She finished on this paper, looking at it with a face of contentment before looking out the window with a rare smile.

As the people pass on the streets below, I smooth out and fold all the edges...

She remembered the paper airplanes people hit her with as a kid, trying to mimic the same folds they made to make such efficient little aircrafts. She went into the room Komaru had claimed as hers. There was a print on the ceiling of a cloudy yet bright blue sky. Fukawa assumed that before the incident, this was a child's room. She looked at Komaru's bed, which she had quickly made before leaving for the day.

And hold them up against the sky...

Was what she was doing too childish for Komaru's taste? She wasn't sure, but she had to do it.

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