Hanahaki Disease- Nagito X Kokichi : Naegiri (Mod Nagito, Mod Kokichi)

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-Nagito had been coughing up petals for months now

-He'd hid it well from Kokichi

-Nagito knew he was running out of time

-Only today had he finally coughed up a whole flower

-One of royal purple

-As he held it in his hand, his entire world seemed to collapse and shrink around him

-His days have been numbered

-Single digits now

-His luck cycle has turned on him

-He was able to escape death for so long

-and yet

-He couldn't escape the one thing that could bring a giant down to their knees

-The thing you can't see with your eyes

-The thing you can't feel in your hands

-But like the wind

-it spreads across the land


-His gravitation to Kokichi would be his downfall

-The small man who is so much larger than he lets on

-It all started when Nagito first met him

-Everything about him screamed that there was so much more behind those eyes

-Those gorgeous eyes

-Nagito would melt a little every time he looked into them

-Sometimes he'd feel like the sentiment was mutual between him and Kokichi

-But far too often he felt as though it was just himself giving out his love

-It drove Nagito crazy

-Whenever Kokichi would speak to someone like Shuichi or Kiibo

-In his sweet and soft way

-Nagito felt like withdrawing into his own hideaway

-Sometimes he would do so

-It was then that it started

-It had been a few years now

-And it's only gotten worse

-"Maybe I should just let it choke me, it's not like I'll be missed by anyone.... Kokichi doesn't seem to care about me much at all..... It's probably all just been in my head, the way I thought he felt about me....how could he love me? I'm a mess of a person.... He deserves better than me....."

-Nagito choked out another flower

-It was spackled in blood here and there

-Suddenly, another fell to the floor in front of him

-But this one...

-It was a pale off white that faded into a very soft reddish orange

-"I hope you don't plan on leaving me behind now."

-Nagito stood up slowly

-His usually placid face broke into an expression seldom ever expressed outwardly


-Though it was just tears pressing through tight eyes

-Kokichi could feel it too

-They practically fell into each other

-Sobs of pain and sorrow turning to tears and smiles of pure joy

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