Ibuki Gives Gundham Attention (Mod Nagito)

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The sun hangs high in the sky.

The simulated world everyone had become accustomed to had long since been purged of a foreign element of pure despair. It all still looked and felt so real. Their senses couldn't deny how it was near indistinguishable from reality. Of course, hunger was still part of their sensations.

To most of the students, this meant getting some lunch. For Gundham, it meant isolation. He did enjoy eating with everyone, but they seldom ate together. He'd taken to hiding away in a corner of the library, the smell of the books and the warm light pouring through the windows was a welcome calming atmosphere to him. Gundham only started coming to the library for studying occult topics with Sonia. Listening to her get excited over new concepts of the world beyond our perception made his heart flutter. He'd have to hide his face at times when she'd lean into him while reading, he could feel his face getting redder.

Today however, he was left to his own devices. Sonia was off with Hajime, teaching him about her homeland and what she'd do to rebuild her kingdom. Gundham sat back and gently hand his fingers over a paper bag that sat next to him. He had brought some pumpkin pastries to share with Sonia, but he didn't want to bother her. His hamsters sat around his legs, nibbling on pumpkin seeds. Jum-P was hoarding many in his cheeks, and Gundham smiled faintly at the chubby cheeks on the already chubby hamster. He unwrapped his scarf and folded it behind his head, making it more comfortable to lean back against the wall. His mind drifted from thoughts and memories of Sonia, to what he was going to do once he left the simulation. Maybe he'd start an effort to support global wildlife that was threatened during the tragedy. He faded into a nap, listing to one side.


Ibuki just wasn't feeling her sound anymore. Sure it had the tempo, the rough tones, the blending of instruments. It was all there. But to Ibuki, it all felt played out. Her belly bellowed at her to eat something. So like a flesh-puppet obeying the orders of a demon, she devoured whatever was set out at lunch. Ibuki noticed Gundham looking dejected when Sonia was walking off with Hajime. She decided that she should follow this man, joking with herself that he'd probably blow himself up over this. That'd never happen though, nobody can actually die in this simulation!

Ibuki crept into the library a little while after Gundham entered to find him laying horizontal against the wall. She noticed the Dark Devas were napping in a group nearby, huddled around the paper bag. Ibuki bent over and thought to herself
"Ol' tall dark and devilishly handsome looks uncomfortable and lonely. Ibuki has just the thing!!"
She gingerly leaned Gundham up and sat down where his head was, then slowly pulled him back over, laying his scarf out over her lap and resting his head there. Her thighs were leagues above the hard floor and wall. Looking down at this softly sleeping boy started giving Ibuki new ideas for song lyrics.

The hounds of darkness have been put to bed,
New light has purged the feeling of dread,
The prince of night slumbers in my lap,
May he await his Dark Lady dressed in black!


Gundham stirred from his resting state, feeling his head was on something really soft. He opened his eyes to see Ibuki looking down at him. Her face was plastered with a cheery grin.

"Good morning sleepy emo!! Hope ya slept well on Ibuki's Pillow Thighs™!!!"

Gundham sat up like lightning, unable to keep his serious tone he fumbled out,

"A–Are you..!? D-do you have a wish to meet the demons that live below!?!"

He buried his face in his hands, trying to hide us totally red face. Ibuki snorted out a laugh and shot back,

"If you're trying to flirt with me, tough titties!! A little princess already has your number buddy boy~ I admit that you do look soooo cute flustered like that!"


The paper bag sat open, and the pair were eating the pastries. Gundham felt more at ease with someone around to eat with, even though she would tease him a little. For once, he knew she didn't mean any harm, if anything she was rooting for Gundham. The two chatted back and forth for hours about Ibuki's music and Gundham's feelings towards Sonia. Ibuki picked up many ideas for songs and practically planned an entire album. She would title it "The Forbidden One Bleeds From His Heart For His Queen"

Gundham didn't put much thought to it, but this was a seed for an interesting friendship.

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