V3 cast: Cats or Dogs? (Mod Kokichi)

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Angie Yonaga would like Cats! In a studio for creating things, dogs can be a bit hectic to keep in there. However, a cat would be a calmer fit for the life style of an artist. While they can still be destructive, Angie would probably smile and say that Atua wanted it to happen. a good fluffy pal.

Gonta Gokuhara would want a dog friend! Dogs are better companions for playing rough with and running around a lot! While he'd also like a cat, he would be more suited for dogs due to his constant friendly nature with a need for others. Gonta thrives when his friends are around him, so having a dog that wants to stay by his side is more than he could ever ask for.

Himiko Yumeno could go either way. She loves how great and easygoing dogs can be when it comes to cuddling, but she also loves how cats tend to be much calmer creatures until three am when they run across the house for no reason. They'd both have their ups and downs, but truth be told... she'd probably be more of a goldfish person.

K1-B0 could learn a lot about companionship from dogs, but lots about what it means to love while being independent from cats. This causes the dilemma of both being able to give him good life lessons on how different animals work. He probably would be more worried about dogs because them licking him may cause him to short circuit, or their tongue might get zapped if they lick him. He'd have to worry about fur possibly getting into his robo-suit, but he may be better off with cats.

Kaede Akamatsu, with her outgoing personality and charming can-do attitude, would be best fit for a dog. A dog is a friend who will always stick with you no matter what, and would probably be attracted to her like a magnet. She would probably want a dog for the other reason of always wanting to hug them! Cats, while they can be compliant, may not be as keen on the idea as dogs.

Kaito Momota would LOVE having a dog companion! Dogs make great sidekicks, and what's better than a fuzzy sidekick who always sees you as the hero of the story? He loves rolling around play-fighting with his canine pals.

Kirumi Toujo is definitely more suited for a cat. Dogs can be friendly and sweet, but cats tend to be good friends for sitting in living rooms drinking tea. She would probably get a hypoallergenic cat like a Balinese so she could bring it on the job. A proper kitty for a proper lady.

Kokichi Ouma, while saying he loves cats more, loves dogs wholeheartedly. They make for great members of his organization! They listen to everything he says and do their best to be friendly to everyone. He'd also probably use them to pull pranks similar to the one where they put a dog in a spider costume, put crap tons of spider webs in a subway along with fake body parts, and send the dog to chase after people who come in late at night. No biting would happen, but the looks on everyone's faces would be priceless.

Korekiyo Shinguji is neither a dog or cat person. Instead, he would find himself more interested in amphibians and reptiles. He would probably be drawn to the folklore they possess, and the anthropology based around them since many cultures have different ideas on what things like lizards and salamanders are. He may be interested in cats though, after hearing that Egyptians loved their cats so much they would bury them in their own sarcophagus.

Maki Harukawa, a quiet, more reserved person, would definitely relate to cats more. Their independent nature matches her own quite nicely, and the reluctant want for friendship would make them prime candidates for understanding her. Just like children flock to Maki, cats would do the same. And, if she were to be honest, she could never turn down their little kitty faces.

Miu Iruma, after the Lil' Fucker thing, would definitely be a good dog mom. She would be the one who said insults in sweet sappy voices to her dogs so she could get a laugh out of them getting excited about it. She would also need their unbridled unconditional love so she could feel better about the constant shadow of loneliness she's casted herself into.

Rantaro Amami needs good traveling companions. While he'd always have a soft spot for corgis and their silly antics, cats have captivated him more so. After hearing from his dad about how ship crews would keep cats on the ship to take care of any rats or other vermin from becoming a nuisance, he decided that cats were way cooler and could be the perfect travel companions.

Ryoma Hoshi canonically likes cats. While I can't really say much about why since I don't know his character super well, I can tell you that it might be the one thing he looked forward to after the killing game. Seeing his kitty. His kitty is probably waiting for him at home, wondering where his owner went. He doesn't need much contact to be happy as much as he needs the presence.

Shuichi Saihara would have a dog companion for his detective life. Not that he doesn't like cats, but dogs are much easier to train, and kids seem to respond positively to having a furry pal come up to them in their time of need. He likes to think of his dog as a service dog as he taught his puppo how to be calm and know the boundaries of people. Shuichi with his canine friend is a wholesome image everyone needs in their minds.

Tenko Chabashira loves cats! Their little faces! Their noises for getting attention! The way their whiskers twitch! The fact that they aren't called 'Man's best friend!' Cats are very much not degenerate male-related in her eyes, so surely they were meant to be partners for upstanding women like her! She would probably make her cat wear a collar with her dojo's insignia on it so people know how amazing this cat is! She'd probably name it after one of her Neo-Aikido moves.

Tsumugi Shirogane doesn't care what it is as long as its plain. A plain companion for a plain girl with plain tastes who is just plain adorable. plain plain plain plain plain. She'd also probably get a stereotypical breed, like an american shorthair if it was a cat, or a golden retriever if it was a dog. Any pet that really pushes how plain she is would be perfect.

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