Komahinanami with a Twist (Mod Nagito)

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"Komahina, but the roles are reversed in who's the terminally ill one and Nagito tries to swing his luck around to save Hajime."
Nagito tugged at a loose string in his jacket pocket nervously. Hajime's condition had been deteriorating for months, and it's become a heavy weight on Nagito's shoulders. Nagito admitted him to a hospital when Hajime slipped into being incoherent delusional, saying he could see angels. Angels that look like Chiaki, the same Chiaki who's been gone for years. The same Chiaki the two had loved to the moon and back. She was playing Pokemon go with Nagito and Hajime when she went for a shiny skitty, straying closer to tall building. Her life snuffed out by a falling flower box. The memory still reaches Nagito: Hajime lunging forward as he noticed the box, Chiaki looking back at him, the sound her neck made when the box hit her. Her confused look was burned into Nagito's mind.

"No more. I won't let the only other person I love go."

Nagito had to let it happen. He had to let something bad happen so his luck would save Hajime. Nagito squeezed Hajime's hand and kissed his forehead, then left the hospital. In search of misfortune. Nagito crossed streets without giving a care, walked the worst parts of town late into to the night, anything and everything to perpetuate his luck cycle. Every day he saw Hajime getting worse, Nagito would step it up. Crumbling condemned buildings, gang filled territories, drank himself blind and drove on the wrong side of the road. The one night he finally had bad luck, he went through hell.

Nagito left the hospital, Hajime spending all of the visit unconsciously mumbling things in his sleep. He went to a bar called Mr. Lucky's. He found the name mockingly fitting, but a place where misfortune was bound. He was all too right, someone slipped something in his drink that made him disoriented and drowsy. The rest of the night he could only process in flashes. Being loaded into a car by a group of men, stumbling naked through a construction sight, a pile of lumber fell on him, and the cherry on top? Being hit by a car while trying to flag someone down for help.

Miraculously, Hajime's condition was reversed. The doctors couldn't figure out why Hajime was getting better, but Hajime knew. He learned what happened not long after he regained his rational thoughts. Nagito was comatose, and paralyzed from the waist down. Hajime didn't know what happened beyond Nagito getting hit by a car, but he didn't want to know. Nagito was reckless all because he wanted to save him. Hajime didn't know if Nagito would ever wake up, but he'd stand by the man who saved him.

At one point, when Hajime fell asleep in the hospital room, a voice called out to him in his dream. A dark, silky voice said simply, "He saved the ultimate hope". Nagito on the other hand, dreamt of Chiaki's angel coming to him and speaking with him.

"You did it, Hajime will be okay." she said with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.

"Good... May I ask where we are?" Nagito asked the radiant girl.

"You're between your side and my side. You're more alive than dead, so you will return to him eventually. As for me..." Chiaki trailed off, her eyes growing sadder. She stepped forward and hugged Nagito. Outside of his dream, Nagito's heartbeat monitor showed a slower heart rate.

"Ah... then I guess he was telling the truth. Right?" Nagito sighed, feeling disappointed for doubting Hajime.

"No, he was hallucinating. The sentiment still appreciated though. Oh, and I have something to tell you..." Chiaki beckoned Nagito closer. He leaned down to her level and closed his eyes, expecting something about her time in the afterlife. Chiaki pulled Nagito's face in closer, and kissed him like she hadn't in years. They held each other like that for what felt like hours. "Give that to Hajime for me when you wake up, okay cotton candy?"

"Of course my sleeping beauty."

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