Mikan Remembered. (Mod Kokichi)

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Mikan remembered a lot of things.
It was late nights with Ibuki that made life seem a little more okay. The entirety of the past could be left behind when Ibuki was screaming along to whatever music she put on in her car. Her car wasn't anything too special, but it did have that little bobblehead that Mikan had done her best to fix and, with a little bit of help from Kazuichi, had it bobbling about like it had never come apart in the crash Ibuki got into when she was 18. Mikan smiled a little as she remembered the call she got from Ibuki. She didn't explain that she had crash the car until 20 minutes into the conversation, leaving Mikan freaking out like there was no tomorrow.
God, Ibuki could be an absolute handful. She had so much energy that seemed to never end like that one bunny in the battery commercials. She easily forgot what she was doing halfway through a sentence or her thought process would go by so quickly that it all just blurred by the nurse. Ibuki had a horrible tendency of getting lost in the most ridiculous areas if she didn't remind her where she was going. Mikan shook her head, recalling the time that Ibuki had managed to get herself on a ship about to leave for Iceland after an hour of not being supervised.
While she could be a bit much for the nurse at times, she was about 95 percent of the reason that she got to practice her nursing abilities with all the accidents she got into. She never knew that having an accident-prone musician as a girlfriend would help her with her practice. Each time she needed to be patched up, Ibuki would stick her head into Mikan's room, using that special pleading voice she used only to say she miiiiiiight have gotten hurt badly while crowd-surfing. Mikan would normally shriek in horror and rush Ibuki onto the bed where she could immediately begin the process of patching her up.
She remembered all this as the ridiculously warm Ibuki asked her what she should do. Mikan's memories came flooding back to her. It wasn't just Ibuki that appeared in them, but someone else kept floating into her thoughts again. She laughed a little hesitancy as she leaned forward, grabbing some of her hair. The videos. The slapping. The kicks to the face. Being called a pig. Those piercing blue eyes. The despair she had created. Mikan's laughter became louder and more erratic as she put both of her hands on Ibuki's shoulders.
Ibuki was so warm. Warmer than she had expected, really. The musician was waiting for Mikan to tell her what to do. After calming her cackling down a little bit, a voice dropped like honey from her mouth.
"Actually... can you get some rope from the market? I think I have an idea." Mikan requested, booping Ibuki's nose. The musician rose her hand in a salute.
"Understood! I will bring you some rope from the market." Ibuki walked out of the hospital, leaving Mikan to tend to the others in the hospital. Sure, she remembered when Nagito had caused Kazuichi to get run over by a truck. She remembered when Akane was sparring Nekomaru in the classroom and ended up destroying an entire wall. She remembered all those things. However...
Just how despair-inducing would it be to murder your girlfriend without a second thought?
Guess she would find out.

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