Random Whole Cast HC's (Mod Kokichi)

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-Naegi probably still sleeps with an army of stuffed animals on his bad and feels absolutely embarrassed about it. When Kirigiri sees it for the first time (after doing his best to keep her out of his room), she consoles him by showing him a picture of a green yoshi that she got when she was a kid that she couldn't dare to part with. 

-Whenever Sakura and Donut babe have sleepovers (because they totally do), they come up with cute things to do that captures their memories. Asahina is particularly fond of putting in scraps of paper in a mason jar that they've written their favorite memories of each other on. On a rainy day, they come back to the jar and read them while eating sweets.

-Touko and Komaru have ended up getting so used to each other that Touko finally lets her girlfriend call her nicknames! Sure, she can't get Togami out of her head, but she acknowledges that she's in the right place for her whenever Komaru plays with her hair and asks about her stories. They also have picked up a habit of reading the same books so they have more to discuss, and Komaru even got the bookworm to get into one of her favorite mangas.

-Chihiro and Kazuichi spend a lot of time working together. Normally, it's on small silly projects that don't have any real meaning to them (Because you know that they probably want to program and build stuff that can instantly recall any vine you can think of), but the best thing they've done is make a humanoid robot to act as a therapist for those in need. Kazuichi is especially proud of his own abilities when he sees the face twitch as if it were in a dreamlike state.

The unlikely friends, Ibuki and Mondo, would bond over doing crazy things together. While Motorcycle rides at three AM are something to behold, Ibuki is shocked when the biker admits that he's never been to a concert. She gets him front row seats, merch and all of her CD's so he can catch up to the rock scene. He's especially excited when flames start bursting up on stage as Ibuki shreds on guitar. He didn't think music could be this rad.

-Leon takes a liking to being around Kaede due to her calm and positive nature. He gets panic attacks pretty easily, but she knows how to calm him down and make him feel better about his choices. They've gotten so close that Kaede constantly does duets with him in hopes that it'll give him more practice with singing in order to pursue his dream. With a bit of coaching from Sayaka who enjoys teaching Kaede and Leon pop tunes, and Ibuki, who knows how to put on a killer performance, Leon is set with these friends.

-Kokichi and Kaito always go head to head still, but it's a bit more playful than before. Kaito still doesn't totally understand Kokichi's methods to anything, but he does his best to not let his prejudice get the best of him. More often than not,    He ends up making some of the funniest memories thanks to the gremlin.

-Gonta and Nekomaru get along quite nicely. While both extremely strong, they have no real intention of harming anyone, and it makes for a wholesome duo. Gonta is also excited to show off his bugs, and Nekomaru doesn't get freaked out like the rest of the people tend to when he tries to share them. In return, Nekomaru gets a chance to train an athlete which he never even dreamed of.

-Togami would have a particular interest in Korekiyo after hearing of how knowledgeable he is. They often have tea together and discuss random points of interest. He certainly isn't let down when it comes to languages, which roll of the tongue for the anthropologist with no problem. He's especially pleased when Korekiyo can teach him things even HE didn't know about his own family bloodline.

-Togami would have a particular interest in Korekiyo after hearing of how knowledgeable he is. They often have tea together and discuss random points of interest. He certainly isn't let down when it comes to languages, which roll of the tongue for the anthropologist with no problem. He's especially pleased when Korekiyo can teach him things even HE didn't know about his own family bloodline.

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