Ibuki's Accident (Mod Nagito)

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-Gundham and Hajime were walking with one another on the third island
-Hajime was spending some time with him for the day, and even brought some sunflower seeds for the Four Dark Devas of Destruction
-As the two were passing the Titty Typhoon when they heard a loud crash
-The Boys looked at one another and rushed inside
-On the stage, Ibuki was laying in a heap with a PAR light near her right shoulder
-There was a large gash on her cheek and her shoulder looked either dislocated, or really broken
-Her collarbone looked no better
-"Ibuki!" Hajime shouted while running to the stage
-The two leapt onstage and assessed Ibuki's condition
-Gundham tried to rouse Ibuki, but to no avail
-The boys took her to Mikan at the hospital as soon as possible
-Gundham and Hajime took great care in not worsening the damage
-Mikan practically had a heart attack
-The two explained quickly what had probably happened to her
-"A stage light fell and broke her right shoulder, we think!" Hajime shouted in great urgency
-"Please tell us she will not take the boat to the afterlife! Such news would be devastating!!" Gundham pleaded
-Mikan assured them Ibuki would be fine
-With that, she got to work
-She undressed Ibuki and found the real damage
-Her diagnosis was a broken collarbone, and a dislocated arm
-Soon, Mikan had completed all the work needed to reset a broken collarbone and relocated Ibuki's shoulder
-After bracing it up, with the help of Hajime and Gundham, Ibuki was looking better
-Lastly was a clean suture of the 4 inch long cut in Ibuki's cheek
-That, upon closer inspection, came from the edge of the PAR light as it came down on her
-Luckily there was minimal damage beyond that
-Just some major bruising
-Eventually, Ibuki awoke in a hospital bed
-Her entire right arm was in a sling and she had pins in her collarbone, all held together with a brace
-Everyone thought Ibuki would freak out, but surprisingly
-Ibuki didn't at all
-Her eyelids hung heavy as she scanned her eyes over Mikan's handy work
-She sat her head back and just stared at the wall
-Ibuki's eyes didn't have any light
-Her eyes that were always full of colour and life, had become so dull and dead
-Hajime and Gundham were at her bedside asking what happened
-In a cold, startlingly un-Ibuki voice
-"Why didn't you just leave me there?"
-The boys looked at each other in confusion
-Ibuki looked at them from the corner of her eyes, and gave a long sigh
-"I wanted to stay like that ya know..... Maybe my heart would've given out while I was unconscious...."
-Mikan screamed from behind them
-Hajime jumped and quickly hid behind Gundham at the scare
-Ibuki turned her head to look at Mikan
-Mikan rushed to the bed and pleaded on her knees
-"P-please don't say that! Ibuki you are t-t-too well liked to act that way!! PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT!!!"
-Mikan was brought to tears, crying into the bedding next to Ibuki
-Ibuki softly put her left hand on to Mikan's
-"Quit your water works, I..... I hate seeing you cry..."
-Ibuki began to tear up
-Mikan squeaked from the blanket, in between sobs
-Well, more like quietly shrieked
-Ibuki started to cry too, and she ran her fingers through Mikan's hair, then to her chin
-"M-Mikan I.... Shit I don't know what to say..... I had no idea you caught the feels for me..."
-Hajime put his hand on Mikan's shoulder
-"I think you pushed her to stay alive Mikan. You've saved perhaps your most important patient"
-Ibuki smiled a little
-"Can confirm, you did your job Nurse!"
-Ibuki's eyes, though still watering, looked like they usually do
-Fire and determination burned in then again
-Mikan continued to cry, but now they were tears of joy
-"Mikan, if you keep tending to me I might just fall for you ya know? That outfit of yours is too cute for me to handle..."
-Hajime and Gundham decided to leave them to it
-As they left the room, they could hear Ibuki's words
-"Maybe you should just take it off!!"
-Yep, she's back.

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